Sometimes it hurts to heal. But these lessons need to be shared.
I am finally going to tell the story and the lessons learned since a fatal car crash took the life of my first wife, Terri. Some lessons are emotional, some financial, some humanitarian, and some about health and fitness. There are so many powerful things to be shared that I filled three pages of topics already and there and many sub topics to share. It’s mind boggling.

I will also share many of the events the occurred before, during and after that fatal day in December, 2003. Many of these events and memories I have only shared with a few people. Many I have never shared with anyone until now.
Get ready to learn, love, live, grow, cry and celebrate as I share this Decade for Change.
Here’s To Your Health – It’s Never Too Late
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Perry Tinsley
Skype: perrytinsley
“I Help People Get Results With Their Health And Fitness Goals”
PS: Check out how to get lean abs and still have Pizza Night! My Free Video Series at
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