Here are 5 amazingly simple ways to start your day with personal development. I can pretty much guarantee these will make a difference in all areas of your life. They are simple and powerful!
I have done these personal development things sporadically through the past decade with hit and miss results. Once I started putting them together into a morning routine to start the day, I started noticing great benefits. I’ve even mentored and coached several people who have seen some pretty impressive things happen as a result of starting their day with personal development. I’m excited to share these with you because I know it will make a difference. PLUS, you can probably doing it within the first 30 minutes of waking up, even before you get out of bed.
Follow these 5 simple ways to start your day with personal development and your days are about to become amazing! Just watch and pay attention to what shows up in your life! Journal them. Look for patterns.
5 Amazingly Simple Ways to Start Your Day With Personal Development
Here’s the list. I’ll describe each one below.
- Give thanks for what you have
- Read a list of “what you want out of life” (intentions)
- Jot down the top things that happened the previous day
(reflection of what showed up) - Read 10 pages of a good book
- Exercise for at least 10 minutes
Seriously! Starting your day with 30 minutes of personal development to make yourself the priority. It helps you take on the rest of the day. It puts you in control of what goes into your head and helps you face any challenges of the day, gives you a positive perspective, and opens you up to your potential so you can take action on what you want out of life.
When you get up rushing to get ready, sitting and watching the news on TV, or checking email and Facebook, then you are putting external things in control of what goes into your head. This is usually drama or mind clutter that gets in the way of what you need. By simply reversing the timing of what is input into your mind and body and starting your day with the list above can make all the difference. Try this personal development plan for 30 days and see what happens!
1. Give Thanks For What You Have
Starting your day with gratitude for personal development will give you a sense of joy and connect you to what you value and what is truly important to you in life. Some people meditate as a part of this process. I recently started meditation and I tell you, it’s powerful stuff. Clears the mind and sets one at peace to truly be gracious!
2. Read a List of “What You Want out of Life”
Write down one or two goals or dreams of something you really want out of life. Then write whyyou want them and how you’ll feel when you reach them. Read these back daily. I actually rewrite mine on a new list each week. That is powerful stuff coming through the pen to paper and solidifies what I am wanting to achieve and attract into my live
3. Write out What Showed Up the day before
Here’s the fun part! As you start putting these practices into your daily routine, special things will start showing up. Each day take a notebook (I use a spiral) and record a few highlights of your previous day. The notes do not have to me long. I make a bulleted list. It’s a great time for reflection and appreciation. Plus you’ll start to realize some pretty significant things begin happening as a result of these activities. Take note of these happenings because they are indicators and gifts that are moving you toward your goals and dreams. Many happenings will reveal themselves that you will want to take action on. Inspired Action! These take you to the next step on your journey and the path will not be what you expected. Embrace the journey and have fun with it. This personal development journal activity is almost magical! If you want to enhance this even further, play some empowering instrumental or subliminal audio in the background such as these audios from called Nitrofocus and BrainSalon for energy boosting, focus, and stress relief to be golden! I listen to them daily now.
4. Read 10 Pages of a Good Book
Personal Development is the one single component that will define your path to success more than any other . Make a commitment to read 10 pages of a good book. Feed your mind good things and you become unstoppable. It’s an investment in you. There are many many books out there. Go to Amazon and search for “personal development!”
5. Exercise for 10 Minutes (at least)
You already know the benefits of exercise. Thing is, it doesn’t have to be a full intense 60 minutes. Even 10 a day makes a big difference and adds up over time. I am currently coaching several individuals who are having amazing results with the personal development program. A friend of mine lost 40 pounds in one year.
Kick Start With Personal Development
Kick start each day with these actions and avoid the external imposing stressors and you’ll see some pretty incredible things happen. Of course you’ll have written record of what showed up. Most importantly, YOU showed up!
Here’s To Your Health – It’s Never Too Late
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Perry Tinsley
Skype: perrytinsley
“I Help People Get Results With Their Health And Fitness Goals”
PS: Check out how to get lean abs and still have Pizza Night! My Free Video Series at
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