There certainly are some challenging moves in P90X2! You may have seen my assessment at how P90X2 is going so far. If not, see video below.
As I come upon completion of the the 3rd week in phase 1 (the foundational phase) I realize there are some moves I want to do better. I know this isn’t a course for mastery, but darn it, I want to conquer them! These moves are what my friend, Arlene Paraiso, calls “nemesis moves.” So, while I am getting better each week and have noticeable improvement in each exercises, I’m going to add in an extra week or two for phase 1.
P90X2 is flexible in the calendar where you can do this phase from 3-6 weeks depending on your needs. I love this because it allows you to have the goal of “getting better” as opposed to “getting through it.”
So, what are my nemesis moves so far? Well, each workout has it’s own set. So far:
X2 Core is: One Leg Med Ball Burpee (Alternate Every 3 Reps)
X2 Total Body: Mule Kick Burpee and Balance Kickback on Stability Ball
X2 Balance and Power: Russian Twist, Decline Sphinx Plank Press, Renegade Row 1⁄2 Lolasana, Crawly Crab Press
X2 Ab Ripper: Phelan Twists
I will get better!!
If you are wanting to conquer X2 yourself you can get it here!
Here’s my assessment so far after 2 weeks of P90X2:
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