I am a subscriber to Success Magazine and also to the blog done by the editor, Darren Hardy. In my mailbox today, he had a blog post titled, “The No. 2 Instrument of Death.“
We are in a crisis that IS WITHIN OUR CONTROL and it fills me with pride that we have a solution to offer people so they can take charge and reverse this trend. I’ll share those details below. Here is a snippet from Darren’s post.
SUCCESS magazine Blog » Darren Hardy
What do you think causes more deaths in the United States each year?
- Car crashes
- Drug overdoses
- Alcoholism
- Firearm accidents
All of those combined don’t total a third of this insidious instrument of death: food.
We are literally eating our way into the grave.
Obesity (caused by bad diet and lack of exercise) kills some 400,000 people in this country every year, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Only smoking-related diseases account for more deaths, with a total of 435,000 annually, the CDC reports.
A staggering 129.6 million Americans are overweight or obese—that’s two out of every three people in this country. Think about it. While our ancestors battled disease, famine and other deprivations, we are killing ourselves—with excess.
On top of that, we no longer have to chase down and kill our own food. Instead, we chase the world while sitting in front of a computer screen all day, every day, often neglecting to schedule in some form of physical activity.
It’s evident how true this is. The data from the Center for Disease Control is staggeringly unbelievable!
Now, I don’t want to get on a soapbox here, because I was one of those people who fell victim to the sedentary lifestyle and gorging on inadequate nutrition. Diabetes and obesity was obvious on the path I was heading. But I decided to take charge and just start taking control. It was not easy, but I did it and I now coach people for free to achieve the same. Putting themselves first and getting on a fitness plan and more importantly, getting the proper foods into their system so food works as fuel instead of an instrument of death. In my opinion, it’s the food and eating part that is the toughest when it comes to exercise and eating right.
SO, here’s a solution for you to get started and take control!
- You and I will discuss your goals and fitness personality to choose a workout program that is ideal for you to start.
- I will send you tips on getting for home, kitchen and time set up for success.
- You will also learn how to eat right to get the most out of your program and fuel your body right without a lot of deprivation. I start my day with dessert! How’s that for starters? I’ll certainly highly recommend Shakeology because it tastes like dessert and is the healthiest meal of your day.
- I will also tap you into a system of support that includes tools you can use for accountability as well as a community to help keep you motivated throughout your journey.
Ready to get started? Ready to take control? Ready to avoid being on the the statistics in the video below? Then join me for a ride to take control and use food as fuel and not an instrument of death. Let’s get you to living and feeling healthy!
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