PX90, as it is so often incorrectly called, is actually known as the P90X workout—and when you get it right, it’s going to be life changing! How many workouts can you honestly say that about?
I can speak firsthand not only to the virtues of the P90X workout, but how it actually changed my life as well. This is some really great stuff and if you are willing to put in the work, you are going to be simply amazed.
You’ve heard about it, you’ve thought about it and now it’s time to consider how the P90X workout Or if you want to call is PX90) can really help you personally.
PX90 or P90X?
I know how hard it is to get started because I’ve been there. The program looks quite intimidating! Even if you incorrectly call it the PX90 workout program as so many do, I say do it. The program will seriously transform you! I know some look at the infomercials and thing the results aren’t genuine, but let me tell you, I know many of those people and the results are real!
I’ve been lazy and sedentary and was personally skeptical about how hard I was going to work to get the changes that I wanted. When I first did this program, there were no role models on infomercials for me. I was one of the first customers to try it. And I bought it on VHS tape! Now I am sounding like some old geezer.
You Have The Power To Change – Bring It
I get it, I really do. It seems like a hard work out. And it is—but I did it and so can you!
This is truly one of the best workouts around because the P90X workout first and foremost challenges you far above most any other cross training fitness program. So many other workouts keep you working and changing only for the first couple of weeks and often get boring. Not this one though because it keeps you going for a full 90 days and beyond. Some call it P-lifetime-X. I don’t think those are the same people that call if PX90 though. Kidding!
Inside The Program Whether You Call It P90X or PX90
P90X mixes cardio, strength and resistance training, flexibility, yoga, core and kenpo karate into a 13 week program that has your muscles guessing every step of the way. And with that muscle confusion comes change in your body, health and mind.
Yes this is about strength training at its best, but it works one muscle group or area of the body at a time. You need to keep the body guessing to get it to change, and that’s precisely what the P90X workout really does.
I know what you’re thinking—this looks like way too much work and far too much sweat for your liking.
Yup, I’ve been there too and I can say that it does require a lot of work, but it’s really and truly going to be worth it. You get literally everything that you need to guide you through this effective program. With the workout schedule, all the DVD’s and even a nutrition plan, you really can’t go wrong. And in each workout, the trainer, Tony Horton, tells you how to modify each exercise. So really there is no room for excuses!
P90X (not PX90) Will Work For You If You “Bring It”
I was diligent after I officially committed to it. I’ll be honest that it really kicked my butt. This IS a hard workout and it still kicks my butt but that’s only because it’s working.

The P90X workout is going to challenge you and go deep into the muscles. It’s going to change up as you move along but after awhile you are going to be looking for that next step. You keep track of the reps and journal right along with the program. Each week you will see progress.
Trust me when I tell you that once you get started in phase 1 where you feel like you could die, you are going to love it and love what it does for you. Yes you will be sore. Yes it will be humbling. Yes it will change you on your way to getting ripped.
This is truly strength and cross training at its best, but it’s also about plyometrics, high intensity and high repetition, and mixing in effective cardio and a total body approach. That’s what makes this a comprehensive and full package.
It really is revolutionary and there’s a reason that it has such a following, and it’s not only because you won’t ever hit that plateau (which you won’t) but it’s also because it gives you that true body transformation. Check out P90X Success Stories or PX90 Success Stories on Google. Or check out my story right here.
I was scared to do this program I admit it. It took me a lot to place the order. But once I committed to the P90X regimen it changed my life in so many ways. Way beyond the benefits of getting fit and ripped. Even through adversity and life challenges, it is this level of fitness and physical transformation that has helped me through everything.
When you can view pictures of your progress along the way and you really start to see your body change in this way it just does something to you, not just physically but mentally too. There’s a reason that this program is one of the best known out there. Sure there are plenty who still incorrectly call it PX90 but that’s easy enough to overcome (although I somewhat cringe when I hear it). It’s mainstream but it works and it can accommodate and appeal to adults of all ages, stages, and workout levels. When I started with a program called Power 90 (P90 for short) I started off with absolutely no fitness focus whatsoever and was probably where you are right now. Once I made the decision to stick with it, I changed my body to a state that I never ever thought possible.
It’s not about abandoning cardio or focusing solely on strength training. The P90X program works because it incorporates so many elements including core and flexibility. It uses a great formula and an appropriate overall body focus.
You are going to melt away fat, you are going to build muscle, and you are truly going to change your body in ways that you never dreamed possible. No, this is not too good to be true, because I know firsthand that it really works! Not only for me, but many of my friends!
Final Thoughts On This Amazing Program
So while the P90X workout is a true investment, it’s a great way to invest into yourself. You do need to be ready to take this on, but once you do then it’s all about throwing yourself into it and then seeing the changes for yourself.
I love what it did for me and you can be the same way—work toward that body and life transformation that you always wanted and know that the P90X (or PX90) system is the vehicle to take you there. I swear by it and you will see why when you try it for yourself. I will help you through the program every step of the way. I will be your success partner and coach you whenever you need a push or need a few tips.
Connect with me for free coaching and let’s Bring It!
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