Today, millions of people drink smoothies in an effort to lose weight. While that is an awesome goal to reach, the problem is that some weight loss smoothies can actually cause weight gain. Isn’t that crazy? If you are trying to drop unwanted pounds, I would like to recommend an amazing product called Shakeology. Have you heard of it?? Not only are these some of the best weight loss smoothies sold but they also promote overall good health and wellness.
The Shakeology meal replacement shake is offered by Team Beachbody, which in itself is a company well-respected (creators of P90X, Insanity and Turbo Fire). With the following information, you will see why this particular super food, protein shake is so beneficial. Taking it one-step further, there is information extracted from actual testimonials given by people who have achieved their desired weight loss goals by following the Shakeology program.
Weight Loss Smoothies: Flavor and Super Foods
People loved and raved about the original Shakeology weight loss smoothies. Now, there has been tremendous advancements made in recent years that make this product even more popular. For one thing, each meal replacement shake is loaded with super foods, which are carefully chosen ingredients that help with weight loss but also promote good health.
Another change with Shakeology weight loss smoothies has to do with improved flavors of existing shakes, but also new flavors. Because of this, you will enjoy each shake more, which means feeling satisfied, having better control over nagging food cravings, and finding it easier to follow the program. A perfect example are the Greenberry and the new Vanilla weight loss shakes. This meal replacement shake has received high marks for being delicious and again, it is loaded with essential nutrients.
I also want to point out that Shakeology weight loss smoothies are made with more than 70 super foods. However, three new ingredients were recently added to include Moringa, Luo Han Guo, and Himalayan Salt. Along with this, the Greenberry protein shake is made with more pea protein, fiber, and natural flavors. Interestingly, this particular smoothie is now made with fewer calories, total carbohydrates, and sugars the flavor cannot be matched by any other green smoothie brand.
Weight Loss Smoothies: Weight Loss Testimonials
In addition to the brief overview of weight loss smoothies, specifically Greenberry, I felt it important to offer details from real testimonials. Just like you, these people had the desire to lose weight and become healthier. By following the Shakeology program, both goals were achieved and in less time than anticipated.

Yecenia C. – Total 76-Pound Weight Loss
In Yecenia’s words: “Shakeology is miraculous. I started to gain weight approximately two years ago. In total, I gained 90 pounds, and I felt very tired. I didn’t feel like going out or doing anything. I would tell my doctor this every time I saw her, but she would reply, ‘Oh! You’re eating too much. Resist your urge to eat.’ But I’ve always eaten healthy, I didn’t understand. Time went by and I was feeling helpless because nobody believed me when I told them that I was gaining weight without being able to control it. One day I asked my doctor to have my thyroid tested because something inside me had to be wrong and, indeed it was. I suffer from hypothyroidism. My thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough hormones for my metabolism to work correctly. Since I started drinking Shakeology, my thyroid gland has been under control. Besides, it helped me with other hormonal changes, like my menstrual cycle, which became regular after six months. My skin has recovered its brightness and my eyes sparkle. It’s amazing!”
John R – Total 40-Pound Weight Loss
This individual was able to lose a whopping 40 pounds by drinking Shakeology weight loss smoothies and using the 10-Minute Trainer program. At the age of 42, John was diagnosed with prostate cancer but in addition, he ballooned up to 223 pounds. As a result of his weight gain, John developed sleep apnea and was forced to sleep with a CPAP machine, his cholesterol level increased to the point of being placed on medication, and knee problems developed.
Having been a former US Marine, personal fitness trainer, and owner of a health club, John found it difficult to deal with constant fatigue and poor sleep, but more importantly, his battle with cancer. As a fighter, he made a life-changing decision to follow both the Shakeology and 10-Minute Trainer programs. As he explains it, life began to change for the better from day one.
After drinking one of the weight loss smoothies by Shakeology, he immediately noticed an improvement in mental clarity and level of energy. He also worked out daily to the 10-Minute Trainer and with the two combined, he dropped 40 pounds. Having achieved such a significant weight loss, he no longer struggles with sleep apnea, problems with his knees have improved, and medication for cholesterol has ceased.

Melanie T – Total 75-Pounds Weight Loss
Carrying around 75 extra pounds, Melanie found it nearly impossible to keep up with her children. Tired of being an embarrassment, living with depression, and having zero energy, she followed a friend’s advice of trying weight loss smoothies by Shakeology. For a long time, Melanie made a mistake commonly made by people who struggle with a weight problem – she focused on losing pounds and not overall good health.
In her case, the weight loss goal was met by drinking Shakeology weight loss smoothies and having fun to various Shaun T. and Chalene workout DVDs. Although losing weight and getting into shape was a process, today Melanie has an abundance of energy, her level of confidence is incredible, and she maintains a healthy lifestyle. While Melanie is proud of the achievements by drinking weight loss smoothies and working out, she feels best that her husband and children are proud too.
Shakeology Weight Loss Smoothies – Are You Ready?
So, what are you looking to do? Lose weight? Lower cholesterol? Improve your digestion? Feel energized? Give yourself better health? Fuel your workouts? It is incredible what these super food, weight loss smoothies have done for my family, friends and thousands of other people. No other weight loss shake compares and many have tried. If you are ready to give Shakeology a try, then you have made an incredible decision. And know, there is a 30 day rick free guarantee on every bag! So, literally you can try these weight loss smoothies for a whole month. That’s confidence in an amazing product. You will no doubt feel a difference within your first few days. I know I did!
You can get your Shakeology here. As of this writing, Shakeology comes in 5 amazing flavors! Two of them are vegan – Tropical Strawberry and Chocolate Vegan as well as Greenberry, Chocolate and now Vanilla!
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