Weight Loss Goal Setting To Achieve Results
The ultimate reason for weight loss goal setting is to challenge yourself to become the best person you can be. This is powerful. The person you become by achieving the goal is more important than the weight loss goal itself. Weight loss goal setting is also a must to determine the ideal plan to follow.
Repeat this to yourself, “I am responsible for my own success.” Go ahead, repeat this two more times. If you want to get results with your weight loss, you must take complete ownership of the process of your weight loss goal setting.
Weight Loss Goal Setting includes:
- Decisiveness – actually making the decision to lose weight
- Incredible Focus – You will need to minimize the distractions that can keep you from reaching your weight loss goals
- Taking Massive Action – You need to show up for yourself and get your workout done each day. This also includes planning healthy meals and preparing them yourself
- Ongoing Persistence – obstacles will happen, but you need to have a “no matter what” attitude and continue to plow through.
- Follow Through – this is a must. It’s doing the things that you say you are going to do and making sure it gets done. Keeping track of calories, getting the workout done at a certain time of the day each day, checking in with yourself and documenting your progress as you embrace the journey
- Success – this will ultimately be yours. BUT realize that success must be earned, deserved, respected and also appreciated.
Weight Loss Goal Setting: Requirements
Weight loss goal setting to achieve results requires that your goals be specific, clearly defined, plans put into place, and your actions be consistently enforced every day without question..
SO, to makes these goals become a reality, you must For better outcomes you must:
Set your priorities. Then prioritize every action and activity that you need to undertake. Create a list and then make use of a calendar, planner or Smartphone to help you stay on track.
Simplify and compartmentalize things to remain focused. This may be planning meals, having a specific workout area, using a day like Sunday to divvy up your meals for the week, etc.
Maximize your time and energy to reach your weight loss goals. This might mean getting up 30 minutes earlier than usual each day to get your workout done. Often people find that life gets too busy and varies day to day. So set yourself up for success by getting your exercise done first thing, even if you are not a morning person!!
Write your weight loss goals down and have them posted in a few places. Read them at the beginning of every day. Read them aloud to yourself. Write them in a positive way such as: I am at my ideal weight of 160 pounds on December 31st. Your goals begin inside your mind, but the power begins when you hand write them onto paper with a pen.
Success is the achievement of your weight loss goal setting! It gives you power, purpose, and potential. It’s a profound and powerful message about who you are, who you are becoming and what you’re capable of achieving.
Each day you need to visualize your weight loss goals. Make sure they are specific, measurable, attainable and have a deadline. Make sure you have chosen weight loss goals that are nonnegotiable. You will reach them no matter what.
Weight Loss Goal Setting: Just Do It
Now go and set your mindset that you will take action to make extraordinary progress on your weight loss goals today.
I will coach you!
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