No more excuses. FOCUS T25 eliminates the “no time for exercise” argument with an intense 25-minute workout program. That’s less than half an hour! Best of all, this program provides astonishing results that rival hour-long workouts.
It says it in the name: focus.
The idea is to commit 100% of your focus for 25 minutes of intense exercise for 5 days. The result: A leaner, more fit you. It’s amazing what less than half an hour can do for your health and body.
Renowned fitness trainer Shaun T created the program with the goal of maximizing every moment of your exercise routine. He focused on the core essentials necessary to gain results and eliminated excess exercises. In other words, FOCUS T25 has just what you need.
This full-body workout program jumps from one muscle group to another without any breaks. You’ll be burning those quads one minute and blasting your abs the next. Every second truly counts. It will be difficult but the results are undeniable. All you need to do is commit and focus.
There are two phases to FOCUS T25: Alpha Cycle and Beta Cycle. Alpha builds your foundation from the ground up, fortifying your body’s overall strength. Beta kicks it up a notch with a series of dynamic moves that improves upon the results gained in Alpha. Both routines come with modifiers that allow anyone to complete the exercises according to their fitness level.
Alpha Cycle
- Cardio – Burn that fat like there’s no tomorrow
- Speed 1.0 – Kick up your calorie-burning up a notch
- Total Body Circuit – Carve your ideal body with this routine
- Ab Intervals – Six packs are built here
- Lower Focus – Strengthen those legs
Beta Cycle
- Core Cardio – Elevate your fitness progress with this workout
- Speed 2.0 – Incinerate your calories
- Rip’t Circuit – Sculpt your body from top to bottom
- Dynamic Core – Shred those abs even more
- Upper Focus – Build up your chest, back and shoulders
BONUS PHASE: Gamma Cycle
As an added bonus, FOCUS T25 has added Gamma to its arsenal. This phase provides additional fat-burning, strength-building exercises to help you shatter your fitness goals.
- Rip’t Up – A full arsenal of upper body blasting exercises
- Extreme Circuit – Non-stop routine that burns your fat and develops lean muscle at the same time
- The Pyramid – Bump up the intensity with more reps as time progresses.