How about pushing yourself the remaining days of the year with a 100 day challenge to get results when it comes to your health and fitness? It’s so easy to get off track, yet when you have a challenge and a tracking system and a desire to get results, you can become unstoppable!
I’ll explain my thoughts in the video below.
Get Results With These Tools And Resources
There are some amazing tools and books out there that have really helped me and thousands of people. The mission is to get focused and to make life meaningful while striving to get results. Of course getting your priorities right is always one of the first steps to make it happen.
I won’t pretend to be the expert here, but I want to share with you some to the things I have used, that may help you achieve your goals in life.

Go For It With A Support Group
You may be familiar with the way I like to reverse engineer goals. Typically I set goals to get results in 30 day intervals. Then I do the small day to day activities to reach those goals. Then I do the same thing the next month. This is what our support and accountability. We created a 30 Day Go For It challenge and the participants in that group are getting incredible results. We just opened up registration for the next Go For It Challenge. True, it is only 30 days, but if you join the challenge now and then join us for the next two, you will have finished the year strong with the last 100 days!
100 Day Challenge Program by Gary Ryan Blair
This was an innovative coaching and accountability system that is really focused on helping you get focused, stay committed to your priorities so you can get results in life. I really love this guy’s style and each day or the 100 day challenge I looked forward to the video message of the day. Short, sweet, focused and really got you to take action. Not just sit and get types of information. It really helps you break away from your comfort zone and go for it in a short period of time. This is perfect whether you want to get results with fitness, business, family, life, or any passion you are wanting to dig into. You are really engaged in this program every day.
Check it out. Here’s my affiliate link.

100 Day Challenge to Achieve Your Goals In Life!

Get Results In Life With A Push
Another great resource to get results is from the amazing, Chalene Johnson, the creator of fitness programs like Turbo Jam and Turbo Fire. Her free 30 Day Push is a powerful way to start a 100 day challenge to get results in life. You get a video a day for 30 days that helps you really take control and simplify many of life’s challenges. Her, book, Push, expands on many of these and I highly recommend you check out the description here on Amazon.
To really put things into high gear, I recommend Chalene’s Car Smart audio series. These are are powerful, simple to do lessons that you can use both professionally and personally. Get results whether it is excelling in business, improving relationships, or just achieving balance in your life. She is such a motivator that you will instantly want to be and do better. CDs are quite convenient too, for listening in the car on your daily drives.
Little Things Add Up – The Compound Effect
The last resource is The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy. The lessons learned in this book are powerful, simple and of course ones you can apply right away get results as you do your 100 day challenge. This book helps you look at the little choices we do everyday that either move you closer or away from your journey to get results everyday. The book is easy-to-use and guide you through step by step to set yourself up for success.
Here is my 100 day challenge to you as I share my thought on how you can attack these last 100 days of the year.
VIDEO to Get Results: Achieve Your Life Goals – 100 Day Challenge
How about that? What thoughts went through your head to take on one challenge for the last 100 days of the year? Are you up for the challenge? Post what you are going to challenge yourself with in the comment section below on how you plan to get results!
If you are looking for some motivational resources, here are the things I shared with you in this post.
Go For It Challenge by Perry Tinsley
100 Day Challenge by Gary Ryan Blair
Car Smart by Chalene Johnson
The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy
Here’s To Your Health – It’s Never Too Late
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This is my transformation video
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Perry Tinsley
Skype: perrytinsley
Email: Perry@PutYourselfFirst.com
“I Help People Get Results With Their Health And Fitness Goals”
PS: Check out these 5 Free Health & Fitness Videos To Get Your Health Back
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