I received my 21 Day Fix Program and while I was truly excited to see how this program would fit into my routine, I was also a bit apprehensive. You see, I am smack dab in the middle of P90X3 and getting incredible results! Yet this program made me curious about portion sizes. For the most part I am a clean eater, but I know I tend to overeat on the healthy stuff. In my mind I need to eat a lot of food to power me through my workouts. So, I was intrigues to see how things would go with 21 Day Fix food portions simplified and laid out for me.
Now, I should say the 21 Day Fix comes with a workout program you do 7 days a week. I will describe those workouts below. For this round of 21 Day Fix, I plan to just keep my food portions simplified and continue doing the P90X3 workouts as planned. This program comes at a perfect time as I truly want to show results and also I have a cruise coming up in a month. What a great, short 21 day fix program to do and get results.
Food Portions Simplified
Let’s dial in the nutrition and get my food portions simplified! After receiving my kit I read through all of the documentation. I went through the calculation to see how many calories I should eat based on my weight. I ended up being borderline between the low end calorie range and the next level up. So I justified that I could eat a few extra portions from a few of the container categories sine I am doing double workouts from P90X3. I compromised between the 2 ranges so am hovering my calorie intake around 1500-1600 calories. I know what you are thinking… that few calories with P90X3? You are going to crash and burn. We will see. I always reserve the right to bump up the calories if needed!

Food Containers
For this plan I am doing the following containers: 4 green (vegetables), 2.5 purple (fruits), 4 Red (proteins), 2 Yellow (carbs – starchy foods), 1 Blue (healthy fats, nuts, etc), 2 Orange (seeds and dressings) 2 spoons (nut butters, oils).
Now, in the manual there are a list of foods that correspond to each container. This makes it easy to choose foods you like and design a meal. I recently discovered that the foods in the list are prioritized by nutritional value, so if you want to really make food count for you, choose foods high on the list.

For me, I am pretty simple and boring when it comes to day to day food choices, so picking from the list was simple! Food portions simplified was my goal, right? So, after gathering and putting my foods in various containers to portion them out, I then either empty the contents one a plate or in a bowl. I was pretty impressed at how much food fits in those containers as they look super small. I thought I was going to starve.
There are a few other options you can add in throughout the week so you don’t feel deprived. You have the option to add in things like wine, almond milk, cookies, and a few other things a few times a week. You swap out a yellow container for this and the guide tells you how much of those items you can have. For me, I’d rather not have the temptations around as a small glass of wine will surely turn into two and a few cookies would easily turn into a plateful!
The 21 Day Fix nutrition guide also includes great recipes and the containers you use for each. There is even a restaurant guide. For example 1/4 of a 12” meat pizza equals 2 yellow and 1 red container for that day. Now, I personally don’t see the need to deviate from great nutrition with a meat pizza, but it’s an option if you choose to go that route.
You might wonder how Shakeology fits into all of this 21 Day Fix nutrition. Well, it’s just 1 red container! So awesome because I often have 2 shakes in a day and am allowed 4 red containers.
One night we used our Racklette table top grill to make our chicken, peppers and yam slices. We used EV Coconut Oil for the yams. So good.
Food Portions Tracking
Keeping track is made super simple as all of the tracking sheets are available on the Team Beachbody site! You just write down your container allowance and keep track throughout the day.
Here is what the tracking sheets look like! This is my meal plan for the week. You can see I missed a few items and went over budget on a few. I am getting it down though!

21 Day Fix Week 1
So far, this plan has been amazingly simple and my groceries are going further than they ever have. Losing weight and saving on the food bill rocks.
As of this writing I am on Day 4 and have not bonked at all in my workouts. I have the energy to go go go! I am down 5.5 pounds after 3 day which I expect will level off in the next day or so. Still, I have been hovering about 8 pounds over my goal weight the last few months so am happy to be heading back into my “happy zone”
The foods have been great and I only had one day where I felt a little hungry in the evening. When I looked at my tracking sheet, I was 1 green and 2 yellow container short for the day. No wonder!
I have tried out two of the workouts so far! I just had to! Um, they were both butt kickers and I was sore 2 days later. Humbled. I have heard that people burn about 400 calories per Fix workout. I believe it! I do love that anyone can do these workouts from beginner to advanced. And the workouts are only 30 minutes long. SWEET!
It’s game time! Follow my journey here on this blog or on YouTube.
Ready to Get Your Fix?
Get your 21 Day Fix kit here and let’s go! You will be able to join my Get Your Fix Support Group! I will help you get connect, stay on track and get great results in 21 days! Here’s to an awesome way to get your eating, health and fitness under control!
Here’s To Your Health – It’s Never Too Late
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Perry Tinsley
Skype: perrytinsley
Email: Perry@PutYourselfFirst.com
“I Help People Get Results With Their Health And Fitness Goals”
PS: Check out these 5 Free Health & Fitness Videos To Get Your Health Back
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