A big question that I often get is…
How do you squeeze in your workout when your life is so crazy busy?
Well, let me tell you, it hasn’t always been easy!
But I want to share with you 3 simple life hacks so you can reach your fitness goals!
Let’s just say, I learned started using these over time.
Getting results seemed to take longer than I thought and I realized I was getting in my own way.
That happens a lot to you and me doesn’t it? LOL
Still, if you think about it, when you’re committed to reaching your goal, what does it matter how long it takes?
After years of staying the course and being committed, I’ve come upon a pretty great routine that almost seems second nature to me now.
Simple Life Hacks
I remember the day when I realized I needed to just have the mindset that this would be a part of my lifelong habit.
That way, it would take the pressure off, simplify things, and become part of my regular “normal.”
I decided to commit to a daily routine, and commit to my health, even when life gets crazy busy or is filled with stressful times and obstacles.
I think keeping things simple is what makes me able to stay consistent.

That’s why I embrace Beachbody On Demand. For me, it takes the guesswork out of staying in shape. I don’t have to overthink exercises or timing out the gym when it’s less busy.
I know getting started and creating the habit is the hardest of all. So I want to share with you a few hacks that might be game-changers for you. Maybe you already do some of these!
If you can’t be motivated, at least be consistent!
That will certainly pay off in the future!
Simple Life Hacks – Hack #1
Wake up 30-40 minutes earlier.
NOT SO LOUD! I can hear you already…
”But I need my sleep!”
Yes, sleep is super important in getting results! But getting your workout done right away in the morning – especially when you have a crazy busy schedule – is typically the only way it’s going to get done!
If you must get the extra sleep… head to be 30-40 min earlier. Your body will adjust to the new morning routine. It just may take a little time. You will probably notice you gaining more energy during the day and not have those midday crashes.
Simple Life Hacks – Hack #2
Cut out “just one” program from Netflix/Hulu/Prime/TV show.
This will give you the opportunity to go to bed earlier. Or perhaps you can take the time to listen to an uplifting podcast or audiobook that will inspire you and uplift you. Tony Horton’s The Big Picture, Chalene Johnson’s Push
, T is for Transform by Shaun T
and even the new one by Ilana Muhlstein – You Can Drop It!: How I Dropped 100 Pounds Enjoying Carbs, Cocktails & Chocolate–and You Can, Too!
are great options!
Important disclosure:
Some of the links on this page are affiliate links, which means that if you choose to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. This commission comes at no additional cost to you. Please understand that I recommend them because they are helpful and useful, not because of the small commissions I make if you decide to buy something. Please do not spend any money on these products unless you feel you need or want them.
Simple Life Hacks – Hack #3
Plan your day with Intention.
When you create a plan the night before, you are setting your intentions for the day ahead.
This also helps take the “to-do list” out of your head and onto paper so you can sleep better.
When you have a schedule, you’ll get the most out of your time. Otherwise, your day will control you and can easily fly by without you getting to put yourself first to work on your goals.
Of course, things don’t always go as planned, but when you take control of your schedule right out of the gate in the morning, that is so empowering!
Keep it simple! If you want to get healthier and fitter, then make it a priority, make time in your day for it and just do it.

Creating a habit can be challenging at first because we want to slip back into old, comfortable patterns. Just keep in mind to keep moving forward with consistency and you will get there!
What takes effort in the beginning soon becomes effortless!
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Want some more simple life hacks?
Grab my free Success Habits Master List
Packed with routines, rituals, tips, and strategies to move you from feeling chaotic and overwhelmed to feeling grateful, healthy, happy, focused, and fulfilled!
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You Rock My Friend!
Here’s To Your Health – It’s Never Too Late
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