It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a … SPLAT!
Woah. I think that was a salmon fillet that just went sailing through the wall at Pike Place Fish Market in Seattle, Washington. Obviously, the amazing, uplifting employees of this world famous attraction are seeing results from P90X!
In April of 2011, I had the fortunate opportunity to visit the well-known Pike Place Market. The first vendor we happened upon was the Pike Place Fish Market. This place always has many people watching in awe and laughter as the workers entertain the crowd with chants and throwing of fish that customers have purchased, before they are wrapped.
Well, I happened to easily strike up great conversation with one of the “fishmongers” named, Sam, who instantly recognized the P90X logo on my hat. He wanted to know if P90X actually worked and got results! What could I do, but go over and share my experience!
He told me about several of the workers wanting to do the 90-day program, so I thought I would help them out so they could fling fish with speed and accuracy as well as sport 6-pack abs when they wore their waders during the summer! I got a list of the guys who wanted to start P90X. Then I got them set up with their own free Team Beachbody account so they could take advantage of the Online Super Gym and maybe win a daily prize of $1000 just by logging in their workouts! They could also test out many of the other features such as the community message boards, online chats with celebrity trainers and more. I think one of the guys is exploring the amazing meal planner as a part of the Team Beachbody club membership, but don’t quote me on that.
I do know that at least one guy is using Shakeology Home Direct as a part of his eating plan and so far is down 15 pounds as of this writing!
So, who are the Pike Place Fish Guys who are getting into Xcellent shape? Here are links to their Pike place Profiles
Ryan, Reese, Jake and Erik.
Here was a some feedback from Ryan Y. after his first month:
“…I am excited to switch to phase 2 next week. It will be nice to have a new routine. As far as stats go I have dropped around 15 lbs and almost 2 belt loops. Shakeology is awesome. I haven’t really been to adventurous with it yet. I just mix it with fat free milk and call it good. I was really surprised at how good it tastes.”
I’m looking forward to hearing from these guys throughout their journey. There is no doubt that these P90Xers will have the energy and enthusiasm to really bring smiles and joy to the people they meet every single day. Hopefully no fish will be flying through the walls! These entertainers are so much fun to watch. The fish they sell is nothing short of amazing! If you’ve never been there, put it down on your “must do” list. You can also order from them online too and have it shipped overnight and super fresh!
“Bring It and Fling It!”
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