I say this every week, “Remember, it’s never too late!” at the end of my video podcasts, telling people that it’s never too late to take action day-by-day on achieving their goals and dreams. Especially when it comes to their health and fitness.
I thought of another phrase that I could say to really give people a kick-start, like “Go start now,” or “This is your call to action,” or even the ever popular, “Just do it!” When I say these phrases I do not mean for them to be food for thought. It’s not, “Wait until later and procrastinate more.” It’s a take action now statement! Come on people! It’s a wake up call! NOW is the time. That way when “later” comes, you’ll be in a better place than if you did nothing. Always be investing in the older version of you!
Now, I love the excitement and anticipation such a phrase brings out.
Tell yourself it’s never too late to:
- be nicer
- live healthier
- exercise
- start a coaching business
- change lives
- get fitter
- start a project
- begin saving money
- change careers
- enhance your relationships
And so on… Feeling mentally fired up yet?
Ask yourself some empowering questions:
- Why do I take responsibility for my health and fitness?
- Why do I get support living the best life possible?
- Why do I love going after what I really want and pursue my life’s passions?
- Why am I allowed to do, be, and have what I really want in life?
- Why do I take full responsibility for living my dreams and life’s passion?
- Why am I allow myself to succeed at all I want to achieve?
Here’s an activity to help you:
- Make a T Chart
- On the left side list all of the priorities in your life
- On the right side list all of the things you do each day throughout the week (The right side will be longer.)
Now, look at the right side. What activities do you do that keep you from your priorities? Maybe it’s time to eliminate those items on the right side so you can make the time in your schedule to live your dream and reach your goals.
Remember, it’s never too late!
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