I love things sweet! I think many people do. Over the years we have been programmed that way. When I grew up it was very common for me to drink sugary sodas, make Kool-Aid with a boatload of sugar and even pound down sugary fruit juices. No wonder I had 13 cavities and had to have a boat load of fillings at the age of 8! There has to a bet a better, alternative. Artificial sweeteners? Natural Sweeteners? Are any of them healthy? Is there a sugar substitute with health benefits? Or are all sweeteners bad?
Over the years, manufacturers came up with artificial sweeteners to keep our brain and taste buds happy, but there is a major compromise and danger to having these in foods or adding to the foods we consume. These sweeteners can have many side effects. The most dangerous artificial sweeteners include:
- Aspertame has over ninety-two different health related aspartame side effects. Including migraines, insomnia, nausea, aggression, depression and more!
- Sucralose (known as as Splenda) known to enlarge your liver and kidneys with side effects like bloating, chest pains, skin irritations, anxiety and more!
- Saccharin has side effects like headaches, diarrhea and skin irritations.
There are others too. Scary I know! Is it easy to find a sugar substitute with health benefits instead of health side effects?
Sugar Substitute with Health Benefits: Stevia
Derived from a plant, this sweetener is 300 times sweeter than sugar. I love getting the liquid versions of Stevia and use it in my Shakeology! You can get this online at Trader Joes, Whole Foods, or check the Natural Foods aisle at your grocer. Comes in powder or liquid form.
- anti-inflammatory effect
- great for pancreas & blood sugar
- may lower blood pressure
Sugar Substitute with Health Benefits: Raw, Unfiltered Honey
Loaded with healing properties. Ask as an antibacterial, antiviral, an antifungal agent. Great as a pure source of energy and glycogen to help muscle recovery after an intense workout.
- contains antioxidants, a wide array of vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
- provides a protective barrier for wounds.
- kills bacteria and germs.
- reduces inflammation.
- natural source of energy.
- soothes sore throats.
Sugar Substitute with Health Benefits: Raw Dark Agave Nectar
A natural sweetener with a great flavor and a lower impact on blood sugar then cane sugar or other sweeteners. It’s derived from the sap of the agave plants. You can get this online, at a health food store, Trader Joes, Whole Foods, or check the Natural Foods aisle at your grocer.
- contains ingredients to help the body absorb nutrients and to improve the immune system.
- can also help reduce cholesterol
- reduces fat absorption
- can have anti-inflammatory effects
It’s nice to know there are options for we folks who have a sweet tooth and don’t want to pollute our bodies with artificial sweeteners.
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