Get Exercise Motivation From Success Stories
Sometimes you just need some exercise motivation. Motivation that will get you off the couch and hit the weights, head to the gym, join a class, get out and jog, anything to improve your health and fitness situation. Here is an amazing way I have found to find the exercise motivation to keep yourself engaged or even get started with an exercise program.
Get Exercise Motivation – Know Your Why
Now, before I give you my tips on exercise motivation, be sure you have identified the reasons why you want to get healthy and fit. Identify why you want to accomplish this. What will you be able to do when you are done? Be specific. For example, if you are wanting to lose the beer gut, or 30 pounds, ask yourself why? What will losing that 30 pounds do for you? What will it feel like when you reach that goal? What are your goals? Strength, energy, confidence, clothing size, getting off of medication, six pack abs, what??
Get Exercise Motivation – Watch Success Stories On TV
Success stories are very motivating. When we see people get results and share the journey it took to get there and the struggles that occurred along the way, that becomes very real to us! Some of the best success stories I have watched is to just channel surf and look for an infomercial about P90X, Insanity or 10-Minute Trainer. The company that makes these just draw you in. But it’s not the product, it’s the story. Each of those stories they use were submitted by people who got results. All walks of life. All situations. All sorts of struggles. These are real and not paid actors. There is no doubt that you will connect with at least one success story. Use that for your exercise motivation. “If they can do it, so can I.”
Get Exercise Motivation – Watch Success Stories On YouTube/Online
Use Google or YouTube and enter the words “P90X Success Story,” “P90X Results,” or “P90X Review.” You will see thousands of videos from people who have made changes for their lives! Watch these. Learn from their experiences. Use them for exercise motivation. You can search for many fitness programs like Les Mills Combat Review, Insanity Results, Turbo Fire Success Story. I know I have uploaded many videos to share my experience and help others. You can get some real exercise motivation and inspiration from any of these success stories. Below are a few of my favorite YouTube success stories!
Get Exercise Motivation – View Success Stories On Beachbody
Beachbody has hundreds of people submitting their success story every day. Several are on their web site. Team Beachbody gives away cash rewards for inspiring stories. I, personally have won $1500 just for getting results and sending in my story. My buddy, Hiram won $5,000. My friend Dallas won $250,000. Just by sharing. Our stories and experiences may give someone else exercise motivation and help them on their journey to take control and get healthy and fit.
Get Exercise Motivation – Join A Challenge Group
Each month I help coach a group of people who help each other with exercise motivation and accountability. We lift each other up, connect, share and inspire to get the absolute best results. One of our participants posted this very day, “Milestone; I started BB on August 27th and set a weight goal of 200#. Never thinking that was even realistic I woke up angry at that darn box on my coffee table. I really hated that box! I argued with it (the box and Tony) but did the daily work outs. Today, less then 3 months into Beachbody I lost 42# and reached another one of my goals. I went from 242# to 200#. Time to set a new goal!“ Now, that is inspiring to everyone in our private group and provides instant exercise motivation because it is a success story happening right before their eyes!
Get Exercise Motivation – Create Your Own Success Story
Use the ideas and tips from above to get inspired, get charged up, get pumps and get exercise motivation. Do not be passive. Be an active part of life and create the new you. You already know that exercise is so important. You have your why. Now you have the tools for exercise motivation. I challenge you to join our challenge group this month. Just fill out the form below. We will not only be committed to our own fitness, but to yours as well!
Exercise motivation is yours! Go get it!
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