Want to Achieve Your Fitness Goals (Life Goals Too!)?
Now we all know there are many great books and articles out there on reaching your goals.
While I am constantly striving to reach many of my goals, there are several I have accomplished and I want to share with you what worked for me.
I am going to focus on health and fitness here, but I think these can apply to many of your life goals.
Achieve Your Fitness Goals:
Identify What and Why
First you need to identify what you want and why. If it is something you are serious about and have a deep desire and reason to achieve it, then the next steps will help you greatly. If you don’t know what you want or why you want them, you will spin your wheels and get nowhere
On a side note I will say, when you get a bit of clarity on your why and your what, many doors and opportunities begin to open for you.
Believe It
Next you need to believe it can happen. You can visualize and feel what it will be like when you reach your ideal weight, energy level, freedom of meds, etc. Granted, your brain will try to play tricks on you and give you tons of reasons not to believe it and a bunch of BS excuses, but it your WHY is super deep, then belief will come naturally. Because the next steps will guide you thru. Even if you are not exactly sure how you will get there. Because as we all no, reaching goals don’t always happen over night and usually take work, intentionality and consistent action. But you can do it!
This next step will set you apart from most people and put you in the top 3%. Impressive right?
You see, most people skip this step. Not you though. The next step is to:
Write it down
Yep, you need to get it in writing.
The best tip I saw from Brian Tracy (a goal setting genius) was:
“write it down with such clarity that a child could read it and know exactly what it is that you want, and be able to determine whether or not you have achieved it.”
Now that may take some tweaking, but you can do it!
Also, set a deadline. A date for when you will reach it.
If you don’t write it down and don’t have a date set, then you only have a wish.
Plan It
Now you need a plan. I know.. I said you won’t know how you will reach your destination, but you need to start somewhere. Kind of like mapping out a trip across the country. You start out in the direction and it seems pretty straight forward how you will get there. But you know there will be detours, pit stops, unforeseen obstacles, etc.
Same way with your health and fitness plan to achieve your fitness goals!
My company has a boatload of health and fitness plans to fit just about any age and fitness level.
SO, choosing the ideal one is simple once we know what your goals are, your fitness personality and experience with exercise and nutrition.
Complete the form below so I can help you create the best plan for your goals.
Once you have a plan..
Take Action
It’s time to take action to achieve your fitness goals. Yep. That’s the part people have to put effort into. Even on days when they don’t want to. And that will happen to you. Just do something every day to get better. Better than the day before.
Be Accountable and Disciplined
Finally, develop the habit of self-discipline. Once you have decided on your most important actions, be sure to concentrate on them every day.
Exercise, eat right and stay accountable. This is where our online accountability and support groups come in.
Our group will help you stay on track, stay motivated and uplifted every step of the way.
We will cross the finish like with you together and celebrate your victory!
Achieve Your Fitness Goals: Summary
So there you have it!
Define what you want to achieve
Believe you will reach it!
Write down your goal!
Create a plan!
Take Action!
Be accountable!
Decide – Commit – Succeed
Let’s get you started!
Fill out the form below!
Here’s To Your Health – It’s Never Too Late
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This is my transformation video
Don’t forget add me here as your free personal coach!
Perry Tinsley
Skype: perrytinsley
Email: Perry@PutYourselfFirst.com
“I Help People Get Results With Their Health And Fitness Goals”
PS: Check out how to get lean abs and still have Pizza Night! My Free Video Series at AbsAreMade.com
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