Stair Workout – Total Body Circuit
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The other day as I was doing a workout move and I was using the stairs I thought, “What kind of stair workout is out there?” So I Googled. Found some great moves and then tried the circuit below!
Here is the Stair Workout – total body circuit I tried. I think doing 1, 2 or 3 times based on the time a person has,would be good. You sure get winded, LOL
I used a timer on your smart phone
1. Vary walking and running Up and Down the stairs..
Walking up and down once and then jogging/running up and down 2 x and then walking 1x (2 minutes)
2. Step-Up to Reverse Lunge 15 Reps Per Leg
3. Mountain Climbers 20 Reps
4. Push-ups 20 Reps (Bonus Decline Push-ups 10 Reps)
5. Step Knee Ups (5 times Up and down steps)
6. Calf Raisers 15 Reps Per Calf
7. Bulgarian Lunges 15 Reps Per Leg
8. Triceps Stair Dip 20 Reps
9. Ab Crunches 20 Reps
Cool Down/Stretch
Things I learned and think would be smart to do are:
Start slow. Modify if you need to. If you feel pain… stop!
Be in control of your movements and use safety first. Use proper form… this is where you may want to see a certified trainer.
Be sure to breathe. Warm up and stretch.
Good luck! Let me know if you give this stair workout – total body circuit a try or how it goes. I’m not expert on these doing a stair workout, but I bet it could be quite beneficial if you are crunched for time or looking to add a bonus exercise in your routine!
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