Power Blast 391 http://www.absaremade.com
Back in the day I used to power up my oatmeal with whey protein, berries, flax seed meal, and nuts. I had a lot of goto recipes I really enjoyed. Recently, I met with the co-founder, Simon Danato, of Stoked Oats and I was very impressed with their gluten free powered up oatmeal! Check out what I discovered and, of course, be sure to check out their site at http://www.stokedoats.com
Here is the referenced oatmeal recipe from podcast episode 18 back in 2007: http://youtu.be/baNly5ZWBdE
Jeffrey Ragsdale
Oh my. Yeah, I’ll be ordering this stuff – thanks!
Perry Tinsley
@Jeffrey Ragsdale Awesome! Let me know how you like it!