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The P.A.P. Upper workout in P90X2 is all about post activation potentiation. The sequence of exercises called, complexes” improve performance by combining high load strength movements with similar plyometric/ballistic movements. Supposedly,these workouts are far superior in developing athletic power to either resistance training or plyometric training alone. I just find them fun and challenging! Rows, pull ups, plyo pushups and med ball planks… it’s in there!
Great vid Perry 🙂 My new favorite workout is the P.A.P. lower. It takes me back to the athletic training we did when I was playing basketball, but it adds another deminsion. I think if folks will go through P90X2 what they will find is that they can use some of the specific workouts or phases to train for specific reasons. I tell folks P90X gives the fitness foundation, but P90X2 trains them to be atheletes. Motivation 🙂