I sent in my resignation letter to my school district and it has now been officially approved by the school board.
I need to acknowledge all of the amazing customers I get to coach and the incredible teamwork of everyone on Team Tinsley. Without all of you this would never have happened. I had incredible support from my family and friends too. Thank you. Most of all, thank you to my wife, Hillary. Her passion for life always make me want to be a better human. Thank you for you support, sweetie!
I made so many friends in the School District of Beloit and met amazing people! I know those friendships will last me a lifetime! I appreciate the support, care and confidence this district gave me. True gifts. It has been an honor to serve such a school district of distinction.
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bibbeny ; Paul L. Rogers
Congratulations, big time!!!!
Way to go man u earned it and deserve it
Perry Tinsley
Thanks everyone!! I appreciate it!