Chalean Extreme is done! So, what does a former P90Xer have to say about such a program? Well, for me, it worked my body in many different ways and was refreshingly easy on my back.
I will definitely revisit this program!!
Eat, Think, Speak, and Live Healthier
Perry Tinsley
Way to go!! And hey… we’ll be ready for you when you come of age! America needs your enthusiasm!
Perry Tinsley
Awesome! Thanks!! I am slowly learning to like the greenberry. Using OJ instead of water definiely gives it a way different flavor! Mexico… A blast! Thanks Colorado!
Perry Tinsley
Both programs are great and very different eh?? Have fun and enjoy the ride!
Perry Tinsley
Why thanks so much!!
Chalene is a great program. You’re right… the X isn’t for everyone and Insantiy scares me a lot to tell you the truth. Chalene was a great workout program and I loved it. I’m back into the X myself and having fun, tho. Way to share the love with your father!
Keep me posted on how you like CE! Stop by my site and have a look around!