Lean Fit Extreme – What Is Your Motto For The Year?
Watch this Power Blast Podcast Episode 459
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Lean Fit Extreme! What is your motto for the year? Do you have a theme or mantra you can drive toward to push yourself and show up every day? In this episode I will share what I tried in 2015 and discovered some pretty amazing things!
This past year I wrote these 3 words in my goals journal every week!
Lean Fit Extreme as my motto. Why did I write these? Well, I felt like I was in this ebb and flow pattern with my level of commitment. I would dig into a program, get results and then slack off on the intensity once the program was done.
So, I thought, “I will be 51 this year. What if I ‘went for it’ the whole year?” So I did. I achieved some pretty incredible goals and am very proud! And you know what? I didn’t do it alone! I participated right along side many others who wanted to push their limits in a private FB group. For some people that meant starting exercise for the first time. For others it meant getting back on the wagon! And yet others stepped up their game to that fitness to new heights.
We decided to make it an amazing year! Guess what? We want a REPEAT in 2016! And we would love for more people to join us to commit to get fit! Are you ready? Lean Fit Extreme – What is your motto for the year?
If you or someone you know would like additional tips, download my free book at MyFitStart.com
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Kari Eats Plants
I want to lead by example
Perry Tinsley
+Kari Eats Plants You are an awesome lady! Love that Motto!