I often see people struggle with their health and fitness. People start, stop and get off track. Maybe it’s because of life circumstances. Maybe it’s due to confidence. Maybe it’s mindset or something else.
I know it happens to me from time to time and when I review these 11 laws for a lifetime of health and fitness, I realize this is a marathon, not a race to get done and be over with. These are lifetime habits.
When people are overweight they are overwhelmed and take on even more stress! So join me as I take you through Tony Horton’s 11 Laws for a Lifetime of Fitness! Apply as many as you can you your life.
LINKS MENTIONEDFind Your Perfect Health & Fitness Plan: http://www.aging-fit.com P90X, X2, X3 & Power 90: http://www.bod365.net
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