ABOUT TODAY’S SHOW:Have you ever experienced something dramatic where you felt lost or sad? Or have you lost a loved one or pet? This episode may help. It’s about working out when you’re sad or grieving.
I think exercise can improve your mood for sure, but what do you do when you’re in a funk and just want to sit on the couch all day? It’s easy to feel numb and go through the motions of your day to day activity while feeling inside of a time warp of some sort. But exercise is one of those things that can help you get through the process. I hope these tips help you!
LINKS MENTIONED Free Book to be consistent with your workouts: http://www.myfitstart.com
Beachbody On Demand: http://www.bod365.net
WANT MORE? If you would like to listen/view previous episodes of the Power Blast Podcast, please visit this link to subscribe and download episodes! HINT: Episode 500 was an incredible interview with Tony Horton!
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