You can choose to use your power and take control or you can choose to let excuses, justifications and alibis control you and keep you stuck!
Decide and Commit to yourself and your goals!
Choose to figure out new ways! Look for possibilities! Learn! Grow! Keep moving forward!
You’ve got this!
Give me a if you’re going to Take Action
Gerald Freitag
I took action on Perry’s 30 day challenge a few weeks ago. stuck to it and got serious. Changed my fixed mindset and growth minset.. plus I’m on a dry fast right now on 53 hrs as of 10/4/22 @ 1:30 am EST. He is the go to coach!!!
Gerald Freitag
@Perry Tinsley still on my dry fast 65 hrs. As of 10/4/22 @ 1:30pm EST. It’s not for everyone and you have to be careful on a dry fast. I’ve done it in the past, I’m a very determined person though when it comes to health. I will be ending it soon.
Perry Tinsley
@Gerald Freitag Here’s to a strong finish!