There is no doubt when a person starts a new workout or different workout routine that there will be muscle soreness. I heard that it is said, “soreness is weakness leaving the body.” If this is true., then I have a whole lot of weakness leaving my body right now! I mean, I expected to be somewhat sore, but I’m a fit guy! Well, chalk it up to digging back into the muscle confusion concept of P90X. I decided to dig into a mini round of those workouts and am feeling it all over. The reason why isn’t because it’s a torturous workout. It’s because I decided to dig in with major intensity and my body is thanking me in it’s own special way. I also added in a cardio workout from the new Turbo Fire workout which is an absolute blast!
I fortunately have given myself a break as I could be way more sore than I currently am. I use 2 products besides Shakeology to help me build and repair muscle. One is called Strength Formula and the other is called Results and Recovery Formula. The latter has a mind-blowing dreamsicle taste as does the body wonders are intense weight training. I’ve gone without it before and my body rebounds much faster with a quick flip of the blender.
So, I’m learning to embrace my soreness. Bring it on!
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