It seems that these last two weeks of each year are packed with so many events that in a blink, the January calendar page appears. Most will all of a sudden be thinking to the year ahead planning and strategizing goals of some sort.
SO, let’s take a moment to reflect on the year you just had. Set aside the things you wished you would have done. This is the time to reflect and acknowledge your accomplishments. Include all aspects of your life… just the good stuff! Think of it as one of those news casts as a “Year In Review” sort of thing, except you are only going to focus on the POSITIVE things you did! Yes, I know many negatives may have occurred and they will want to have their time in the spotlight, but for now just list the good things.
At the top of the page write:
“My Personal Highlights of 2010”
Go to town. Come back and share how your experience after composing such a list.
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