The Most Common Exercise Excuses
It has been proven time and time again just how important exercise is not just for appearance but more importantly, health. A common misconception is that in order to lose weight, tone muscle, and promote overall health, you would have to work out several hours a day but as you will discover, this is actually just one of the many exercise excuses that people make. The truth is that exercising a minimum of 30 minutes a day would achieve remarkable results.
Benefits of Exercise
Before going over the most common exercise excuses heard, I wanted to offer insight into key benefits of working out. Remember, exercise is not only beneficial physically but also mentally, emotionally and financially. In addition, exercise is good for people of all ages. This means that babies all the way to the elderly can adopt an exercise program deemed effective and safe.

- Weight loss and control
- Toned and tight muscles
- Improved sleep
- Greater strength, stamina, and flexibility
- Reduced stress
- Better metabolism
- Healthier cardiovascular and respiratory systems
- Greater relaxation
- More mental clarity and concentration
- Improved libido
- Lower risk of heart disease
- Less aches and pains
- Improved self-confidence
- Fewer trips to the doctor
The above list represents just some examples of the many benefits associated with workouts but because so many people use exercise excuses such as “I have no time to exercise”, they never get to enjoy them. You are never too old to start working out and although getting started can be somewhat of a challenge, I hope you will review this list to realize that dedicating a small amount of time can do wonders for the body, mind, and pocketbook.

Exercise Excuses, Excuses, Excuses
In addition to the one mentioned, “I have no time to exercise”, there are many others to include the following:
No Nearby Gym or Fitness Center – Although it would be nice to workout in an actual gym along with other people, there are multiple workouts that can be performed at home, not to mention several excellent at-home programs that would get the same, if not better results. For instance, the 10 Minute Trainer developed by Tony Horton is an exceptional program that provides an all-body workout. Shaun T’s Focus T25 program is another great 25 minute option!
Not in the Budget – The only real expense to exercise comes with joining a gym or fitness center. You have a choice of many workout programs that can be performed at home free. Of course, if you prefer to go with an actual program such as the 10 Minute Trainer, there would be an initial investment but the amount is nominal, especially compared to the results.
Too Young or Too Old – As mentioned, people of all ages can exercise. In fact, there are special classes designed for infants and today several people over the age of 90 still run the New York and Boston marathons. Saying age is a factor is just another one of the many exercise excuses commonly heard.
Going it Alone – Again, it is nice to have someone to work out with but going it alone is just another bad exercise excuse. For one thing, you could find a number of activities that could be enjoyed alone such as walking, jogging, or biking. Another option is by choosing a program that offers online streaming video such as the 10 Minute Trainer provided by Beachbody.
Too Boring – The only reason you would become bored with exercise is doing the same thing over and over again. To keep things interesting and stay motivated, you need to use different types of exercises such as aerobic dance, weight lifting, swimming, spin cycling, yoga, and much more. In this case, you have the ability to choose a number of workouts on your own but also choose a program such as the 10 Minute Trainer that is actually designed by incorporating a variety of exercises.
Need Family Time – One of the worst exercise excuses has to do with needing to spend time with a spouse or child. Instead, you can get everyone up and moving as a family. In addition to spending quality time together, exercising would promote overall good health for everyone.
Exercise Excuses: Do You Really Need Them?
The bottom line – it is time to stop making all the exercise excuses and start doing something good for your body, mind, and wallet. Rather than think there is no time to exercise, I encourage you to find several workout options that you like best and then just dive in. Another option to help you get started would consist of buying the 10 Minute Trainer. Of course, this same workout program could be used daily to keep you in shape and healthy after the initial goal is met.
In fact, if you decide to purchase the 10 Minute Trainer or Focus T25 program I would like to challenge you take full advantage of the available online 24×7 support. The professionals have heard all of the exercise excuses ever made and know the exact things to do and say to get and keep you motivated. You will also have access to my free coaching.
Here’s To Your Health – It’s Never Too Late
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Perry Tinsley
Skype: perrytinsley
Email: Perry@PutYourselfFirst.com
“I Help People Get Results With Their Health And Fitness Goals”
PS: Check out these 5 Free Health & Fitness Videos To Get Your Health Back
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