AGSR specializes in the rescue, rehabilitation and rehoming of homeless German Shepherds, mostly acquired from Wisconsin shelters. These dogs have no advocates and are frequently scheduled for euthanasia (even puppies!) because there just aren’t enough homes for all the dogs that need homes.
AAFMED (Arf’s Angel Fund Medical Assistance) was founded to provide emergency monies to offset expenses incurred in the medical treatment of abandoned and/or injured German Shepherd dogs in need of rescue.
Perry Tinsley
That’s my boy! Owen loved taking dogs for walks! 🙂
Joanna Cree
Cute video! I live in WI and my family is looking into Shepherd Rescue this summer. We lost our boy in July and miss having a Shepherd around. We’ll look you up!
mikey W
I love em. We’ve had 5 upto now. My favorite dogs, a true friend and companion. Keep up the good work!
Gokce Beverly
oh they are so cute! i used to have one but we had to give it to someone else :(. they are my second favorite dog. The first one is kangals 🙂
I love these dogs,too.I’ve had two,both rescues,and I couldn’t have asked for better dogs.Smart,gentle,loyal.Just all around wonderful dogs.This is my favorite breed now.
I could not agree more. Mine is the biggest baby in the world. Very few are afraid of her because of the breed, then she gives them a kiss and they realize how special these dogs are. Not one once of mean in them, just playful enthusiasm.
so cool.
Jim DeTamble
Beautiful dogs! Ive got an all black one myself.
I own two, and for me there simply isn’t another breed of dog.. all the rest are secondary.. bless em..
Well done T & P for all your hard work, bless ya and good luck in the future.
Tony Brewer
I’ve got 1 big one. His name is Cisco. I also got him from a rescue. He is going on 4 years now, and weighs in at about 108 pounds. He looks fantastic, just a big boy. He is like a child to me as well. I can’t imagine life without him. GSD’s are the best dogs, bar none. All you could ask for, in a dog. Good job on the vid. Makes me wanna go home and play with my big boy!
I miss my 2 Dogs badlly :(((((
Jonathan Mattheys
i must say german shepards can be VERY smart they are used in rescue missions to save plants animals and people every day my 5 shepards dont do that but they are the best things that have been in my life
i have a german shepherd and a german shepherd mix and they r the sweetest things ever and such clownes but then when its time to calm down and watch the house they r the most loyal guard dogs ever i love then so much. Love the vid.
To msolf2007: Its either give them away to a loving home who can take care of them, or neglect them by not having enough time to look after them. It was the right thing to do you douche! So what would you have done? Kept it even though you couldnt have looked after it!
E Bryan
Wonderful video, yet another one of my favorite breeds! I just love my J.D. who came to me as a rescue. Thanks, excellent job.
i urge anyone out there looking to get a dog to consider a rescue dog , i heve recently got a gsd from a rescue centre , although he is 14 months and had no formal training he is a loving a wonderful pet. he is learning how to behave and training him is hard at times, but he worth every minute. you will not get a better breed of dog. They are the most loyal,loving, protective over there home and clever bread of dog u could wish for. Dont line the pockets of the mass breeders.
Lore patata
It’s a fantastic video.
So cute
Heather Hauser
Very nice video.
Tate Mark
Great work! Not everyone deserves a GSD… and those that are accepted by one should be thankful.
Sam Tani
I love german shepherds.
They’re loyal, strong and inteligent.
Beaultiful animals.
Good video.
great vid!!!!!!!!!!!
got 2 cats myself, and planning on getting a german shepherd in a couple of months
Louise Robinson
This video to me only enforces that there is only one breed of dog in this world and that is of course GERMAN SHEPHERDS. I watch this video and it only enforces the fact that my love for this breed just grows everyday. Fabulous video. Thanks.
The shepherd at 2.03 is the spitting image of my male GSD ,an we just adore shepherds they ARE the best dogs too have ! You can`t beat a shepherd puppy for being the cuteest puppies in the world LOL
My german sheperd passed away at home.Well I took his food own to a adoption day.The ladies said would you foster someone.I said only foster right.Thats all you have to do.Well Rex got in the garbage,all i said was hey hey,what you doing.He looked at me and stopped.4 years later I call him my little beggar.He always is good and we go everywhere together.I did not sae him,he saved me.The love is unlimited from a dog.Find out yourself.
you are doing a fantiastic work! the website is really updated! thank you for helping the doggies
y tan
as far as i know, they should. My german shepherd is 2 years old, gets along with everyone in the dog park.
Great video! Great website also. GSD rescue all the way!!!
Perry Tinsley
Thanks!! Great breed indeed!
I have had GSD for years and they are very good with other dogs, you just socialize them like any other dog when they are young. I currently have 1 GSD and 2 Labs who are best of friends,all go to the local dog park and play with other dogs there
this gsd puppy is just like rex my gsd puppy he is the cutest puppy in the world if you like to see him just watch my video about him please tell me what do you think
enjoy 🙂
They are all such gorgeous souls! I hope they all get people who appreciate them. I don’t have a dog but I just donated money to another rescue, for a GSD who was run over by a car and then abandoned without vet care. Some people make me sick.
Beautiful dogs.
wow, great video, i luv gsd, there my fav dog ever, i used to own one, but….that staory about wat happend to her dm, but anyways great video, lovely dogs
This, That & Everything in Between
don’t worry they go up by them selfs :), on 6 or 7 months(judging by my GSD)
They should go up themselves. They will flop while the dog is teething, we feed them cheese while training to supplement the calcium that is missing while they are growing teeth.
Derek Poon
Dawn Finch
god bless you all good job
pat murphy
keep doing what you are doing, & thank you for all you have done, god bless you all
jim dandy
Agreed 100%