Power Blast 390 http://www.absaremade.com I have been traveling a lot lately and wanted to share some tips I use to stay healthy and fit on the road. While I don’t go into specifics for vacationers, …
Say Goodbye To Your Fat Clothing
Want to say goodbye to your fat clothing and donate it to charity? It’s time to commit to your health and fitness. Here are a few tips and recommendations to make it simple, doable and set yourself up …
Say Goodbye To Your Fat Clothing
Power Blast 388 http://www.absaremade.com Want to say goodbye to your fat clothing and donate it to charity? It’s time to commit to your health and fitness. Here are a few tips and recommendations …
What Will You Be Able To Do When You Are Fit?
It’s the little things that matter. Details. Consistent, small daily actions. This episode is all about those little things that will enable you to do BIG things! Conquering mountains is a step by …
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What Will You Be Able To Do When You Are Fit?
Power Blast 387 http://www.putyourselffirst.com It’s the little things that matter. Details. Consistent, small daily actions. This episode is all about those little things that will enable you to do …
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No Time To Exercise? Try These
Most people know the number one excuse not to exercise is time. People believe that they don’t have time (when they really do) and often will rationalize putting off exercise until this magical time …