Have you ever been so afraid of failing at something that you decided not to try it at all? Fear of failure probably halts more health and fitness plans than any other obstacle. It can talk you right …
Override The Urge To Quit Exercising
Giving up seems to be one of the easiest things to do in the world. Let's face it, people give up on things. They set limits for themselves. They fall back into their comfort zone. It just seems to …
2 Minute Mindset Hacks For Health
So many of us have huge to-do lists, crazy busy lives and feel like we bounce from thing to thing, making our heads spin. So it’s easy to dismiss the very things that are easy to do, keep us grounded …
Use Positive Self Talk To Get Fit
We all do it! We talk ourselves out of exercising more often than we should. We tell ourselves that we will "do doubles" tomorrow. Motivation is hard to come by. It can really take us out of the …
Things To Avoid To Have More Energy
Energy can make or break your ability to reach your goals, whether it’s health, fitness, career, hobbies, or even just to giving you a boss to put in the time and effort on a project or a …
Get Fit Even If You Feel Lazy
Ah, laziness! That feeling of chilling out and mindlessly going about the day. But Let’s face it! We live in a world where we... Are out of shape Short on time Have no energy And still want …