Are looking for ways to boost your intellect or even ward off mental aging? Perhaps live a longer life? In this episode, let's talk about Brain Health! Here are 7 simple strategies for brain health …
The Weight Loss Wagon
Are you struggling to stay on the weight loss wagon? At some point in your weight-loss journey you may have experienced the following: You follow a fitness and nutrition program, you lose some …
Best Year Ever
Are you looking to have your best year ever? In this podcast I give you a roadmap on how to do just that! You can use a free Goal Plan Worksheets in PDF format! (see link below) Using a simple …
Goal Planning
Goal Planning for 2019. How will you challenge yourself this year? What would be that one goal for you that would be crazy awesome if you accomplished it? More money? Live fitter? Healthier? …
Tipping Point
Are you waiting to reach a Tipping Point? The point of no return? Or are you brave enough to get rid of old, comfortable habits and make positive changes to get results? Not too long ago I was in the …
Why Do We Get Stressed Out During The Holidays?
Why do we get stressed out during the holidays? I'm sure you know that this is a time of family, friends, good cheer, giving, being happy and filled with wonder! So why is it so many people feel …
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