Power Blast 354 http://www.putyourselffirst.com I cannot say enough about P90X3. I am loving it. Not only is it the perfect amount of time for a workout, but the workouts are amazing! In this video …
P90X3 Delivery And A Pulled Muscle
Power Blast 353 P90X3 where art thou? You have got to be close. Still, 10 days since the order and no program. I wonder if the doorbell will ring during this podcast so I can show you what's inside! I …
P90X3 Delivery And A Pulled Muscle
Power Blast 353 http://www.putyourselffirst.com P90X3 where art thou? You have got to be close. Still, 10 days since the order and no program. I wonder if the doorbell will ring during this podcast …
A Mad Rush For P90X3
Power Blast 352 P90X3 was SO POPULAR on day 1 that the servers got SLAMMED with orders. Here was my experience from a tropical resort in Cabo San Lucas. So exciting! So frustrating! So pumped! So …
A Mad Rush For P90X3
Power Blast 352 http://www.putyourselffirst.com P90X3 was SO POPULAR on day 1 that the servers got SLAMMED with orders. Here was my experience from a tropical resort in Cabo San Lucas. So exciting! …