We were invited to a special memorial dinner in remembrance of our beloved German Shepherd, Owen. The menu was bones (spare ribs), sticks (asparagus), green stuff (salad), something dug up (potatoes) …
Beachbody Ultimate Reset – Day 28 Chocolate Shakeology!
I had a full Chocolate Shakeology today! My taste buds were singing!! ALso, tonight's Quinoa Shitake Rossito was awesome! Still within my weight range. At 156, up 2 pounds over the week. …
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Beachbody Ultimate Reset – Day 27
Great workout day and great food! Squash with Tahini Sauce, Edamame and salad! …
Beachbody Ultimate Reset – Day 26
Who'da thought that Kale Chips were so addictive? Zucchini - Cashew Soup? Fennel Bulb? Who eats these things? We do now! :) …
Beachbody Ultimate Reset – Day 25
Amping up the grains today with quinoa and brown rice. Even added a half scoop of chocolate Shakeology to subtly add in whey. Other than that... lots of fruits and veggies. Even added in more weight …
Beachbody Ultimate Reset – Day 24
Each day getting stronger and stronger. Love the energy thru the day and doing workouts again. There are some routines we already miss from Reset if you can believe that! …