I recently completed the P90X Certification Certification training weekend and it exceeded all of my expectations! I got a deeper understanding of P90X and benefited from expert knowledge in the …
P90X2 P.A.P. Upper Workout
www.putyourselffirst.com | <a href="http:// www.TinsleyFitness.com" >www.TinsleyFitness.com The P.A.P. Upper workout in P90X2 is all about post activation potentiation. The sequence of …
Power Blast 260: P90X Certification
Beachbody is now offering P90X Certification. It's quite an honor to be one of the first to go through the certification training. Very similar to being one of the first to do P90X when it came out in …
Power Blast 259: It Starts With Mindset
What do you want to accomplish? When do you want it? Why do you want it? How will it feel when you get there? Here is a morning ritual I do to achieve the things I want out of life when it comes to …
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Power Blast 258: P90X2 Base Back & Tropical Shakeology
I really liked the mix with X2 Base & Back! Somehow it flies by much faster than Legs & Back fro P90X. Maybe because of all of the plyo? I dunno. It's fun! Also, got our Shakeology Tropical …
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Power Blast 257: P90X2 Shoulders & Arms
Bring on the vanity muscles with P90X2 Shoulders & Arms! Lots of core engagement makes this one more than just curls and dips! <a href="http:// www.putyourselffirst.com" …
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