Do you ever get those knots in your muscles? Here are a few things I use to release them. I’ve also done dry needling which is amazing but these requires a specialist. What have you tried? Drop the …
Release 5 Pounds Between Holidays Do holidays and vacations usually lead to weight gain? For many of us they do. So let’s chat about releasing 5 pounds after vacations and between Thanksgiving and …
Simple Trick To Reach Your Goals Faster We all have goals. And many people I coach often say they say they need to get motivated But that’s not what needs to be done I’m going to give you a simple trick you can use …
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How Fit People Think
Don’t ask me what plan I follow to get in shape. Ask me what I’m thinking. Tap the if you agree! It’s all about thinking better thoughts when it comes to getting fit! Drop the word MINDSET for …
Remove Your Resistance To Success What do you do when you get so busy, overwhelm, and feel like life is totally off track? Sometimes you need a great plan to kickstart that momentum in a positive …