Did you know that you have the ability to be your own health coach? A coach to keep yourself motivated, empowered, and focused! If you have ever worked with a health or fitness coach before, they …
How To Lose 5 Pounds Between Holidays & After Vacations
Ah…vacations and the holidays! Love them. But, that usually means overindulging in high-calorie and sodium or sugar-filled foods. And of course weight gain. So let’s chat about how to lose 5 pounds …
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Fitness Motivation Made Simple
So you’re looking to make exercise part of your ritual, but you’re struggling to find the fitness motivation to make exercise a part of your daily routine. You might even get on a roll, develop a …
Stop Procrastinating And Start Exercising
Have you ever told yourself, "stop procrastinating and start exercising already!"? Thing is...you know what to do. You have read books, studied fitness plans, and maybe even have a gym membership or …
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The Top Fitness Resolution Mistakes And How To Overcome Them
Ever wonder what the top fitness resolution mistakes are and how to overcome them? I'm guessing you have some sort of health and fitness goals for the upcoming year. Every New Year's people tend …
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