Ever try a Core Test? A core strength and stability test to see how strong and stabile your core truly is? This year marks the 10 year anniversary since I posted a demonstration of doing the Core Test (listed below)! I was trying to prove to myself my core had gotten stronger after doing P90X for 2 years! I proved myself correctly!
The test takes about 3 minutes to complete. You start out in a plank position and then throughout the core test you lift various limbs to really test your stability!
Holding plank with a variety of ways to challenge your stability is a great isometric exercise to train your core! Time under tension for your muscles to strengthen and stabilize your spine.
Core Test

Core Test / Core Stability Test
Use your phone for a stopwatch and place just below you so you can see when to change positions.
Plank Hold – 60 seconds
Lift right arm & Hold – 15 seconds
Lift Left arm & Hold – 15 seconds
Lift right leg & Hold – 15 seconds
Lift Left leg & Hold – 15 seconds
Lift left leg and right arm & Hold – 15 seconds
Lift right leg and left arm & Hold – 15 seconds
Plank Hold – 60 seconds
Here is my podcast on the topic, plus the actual video I demonstrated 10 years ago.
How did you do on this core test? I look forward to hearing about how long you made it through this core test.
You can connect with me over on FB at fb.com/coachtinsley
Here’s To Your Health – It’s Never Too Late
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This is my transformation video
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Perry Tinsley
Skype: perrytinsley
Email: Perry@PutYourselfFirst.com
“I Help People Get Results With Their Health And Fitness Goals”
PS: Check out my free Book to help you get going every day and stay consistent with your fitness MyFitStart.com
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