Man, I really brought it during this workout. My best so far. Thing is, as I’m uploading this video 2 hrs. later, my body is screaming at me. Tomorrow will be welcome relief!
Reader Interactions
marieta demong
so i meant to ask you, have you been doing this every single day for 8 years straight?? you have to answer this..and if so, what does your day consist of? when do you wake up, go to bed, work etc?? only because people say they are too busy for a work out..great job!
Perry Tinsley
@marthasdemo No. For a long time I just did the bare minimum. Then I went on a 5 day a week plan. Then, starting sometime in 2007 I just said, “I’m showing up each day” and on rest days I will do yoga or stretch. I have not missed since Nov 2007. I was a full time teacher and worked out before work. Did it at 4:30am. Now I work from home and either do mid morning or wait to do with my wife when she gets home. So yes, most people have time. They just have to make time.
Cool Dog – Dog 🙂 Isn’t a great feeling when you have those days when you just crush the workout? Keep them coming Perry 🙂
marieta demong
so i meant to ask you, have you been doing this every single day for 8 years straight?? you have to answer this..and if so, what does your day consist of? when do you wake up, go to bed, work etc?? only because people say they are too busy for a work out..great job!
Perry Tinsley
@marthasdemo No. For a long time I just did the bare minimum. Then I went on a 5 day a week plan. Then, starting sometime in 2007 I just said, “I’m showing up each day” and on rest days I will do yoga or stretch. I have not missed since Nov 2007. I was a full time teacher and worked out before work. Did it at 4:30am. Now I work from home and either do mid morning or wait to do with my wife when she gets home. So yes, most people have time. They just have to make time.
Cool Dog – Dog 🙂 Isn’t a great feeling when you have those days when you just crush the workout? Keep them coming Perry 🙂
William Dean
Intense Reps!!! love it ! lol
Perry Tinsley
@cnwilliams59 Thanks! And Owen says, “Woof!”
Perry Tinsley
@steroidsR4losers4 Thumbs up!
Perry Tinsley
@Swilliam127 Digging to deep depths!