Exercise Motivation Tips So You Don’t Quit
Finding exercise motivation tips so you don’t quit can be challenging to put into practice sometimes! With a little bit of focus and determination, you can must through. These tips will help you stay on track and move forward to get results!
Exercise Motivation Tips So You Don’t Quit – The Excuses
It is easy to come up with a list of “why not to” workout. Life happens. You are tired, you get sick, or frustrated, overwhelmed and discouraged. Maybe you are stressed out at work or had a super hard energy draining day. It might be that you travel too much or haven’t gotten much sleep lately, or are too sore or have a headache. This list can be a huge one! Exercise motivation is practically non existent!
Let’s suppose that it is none of the above and you are just not in the mood to workout, but you know you need to get it done. You have intentions of starting in 5 minutes, after that show is on, after dinner, when you get that one task out of the way, after you have finished cleaning the living room. So often this boils down to procrastinating and avoiding the workout altogether where you end up running out of time and hoping it will just go away. You justify it and tell yourself you will do it tomorrow do a “double workout.” Doubles? That’s exercise motivation burnout right there!
Any of these sounds familiar? What can you do about it? Quit? You know…many people do. All the time! And that’s fine. You’re off the hook! All is good now. You don’t have to worry about health and feeling great and fit! If this is you, read no further. You do not need the exercise motivation tips below. STOP READING. YOU ARE DONE HERE.

Exercise Motivation Tips So You Don’t Quit – You Are Not A Quitter
If you are not a quitter, then you can do something about it! You have now separated yourself from the many who just give up. You are already successful! Don’t you ever wonder what makes some people successful and others not?
Well, people have tricks that they use to be committed and motivated and become successful. These are the people that show up for themselves no matter what. They find a way to do it anyway and get their exercise motivation.
Exercise Motivation Tips So You Don’t Quit – The Tips
Use these tips to keep you motivated, engaged and committed:
- Stop beating yourself up if you miss a workout! You missed it. Move on. Don’t try to be a superhero and double up day after day. It doesn’t work that way! Just because you miss a day or 2 doesn’t mean your time has been wasted. Just pick up from where you left off and move FORWARD! Life happen. Priorities change. Big deal. Get over it and go for it! Engage your exercise motivation!
- So, you aren’t getting the same results you see on the infomercial. Still, not a big deal. You bust your tail for 30 or 60 days and no results? Hey, there are many variables at play here..age, weight, how out of shape you are, flexibility, athletic background, etc., Some people will see results right out of the gate. Some won’t see things happen until down the road. You have to trust the process and be consistent! It may take you 90, 120 or 150 days to see dramatic changes. So what! Time will pass by anyway. Might as well keep getting fit! I know for me, I saw the biggest changes from day 90 to day 120 when I did P90X. Eventually you will see results and that ignites your exercise motivation practically daily!
- Get out of the “temporary” mindset. I know most of these programs are finished in 90 days. So what then? Quit and go back to fat and lazy? No way. Make it a journey. A lifestyle. A commitment to improve yourself a little bit each day that is better than the day before. Once you commit to making this a consistent habit of putting you first is when changes will appear and you’ll stop calendar watching and beating yourself up. Setbacks will happen, but you keep getting back to the journey. When one program finishes, you should already plan what you will do next. Because you know what will happen if you stop and do nothing. That should be scary enough to kick your exercise motivation into high gear!

Exercise Motivation Tips So You Don’t Quit – Try This On For Size
So all in all, love your body. Think about this exercise motivation tip: You will exercise and eat right because you love your body, or you will hate your body because you don’t exercise or eat right. That might be worth repeating:
You will exercise and eat right because you love your body, or you will hate your body because you don’t exercise or eat right.
Which one is you?
Exercise Motivation Tips So You Don’t Quit – Get Coaching
Many people find that they get great results and stick with their exercise program when they get mentoring, coaching or join a support group. If you want free coaching to get results and reach your goals, it would be an honor to serve you!
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