I just read an article that really hit home because I had many years of fat thinking practice. Now I have shifted to fit thinking. This came from a study that looked at the differences between the the way fat people think and fit people think.
The article was titled, “Think Fit, Not Fat.” out of Impact Magazine. It referred to a book by mental toughness expert, Steve Siebold, who apparently is brutally honest about ways people think and hold themselves back. The book is called, Die Fat or Get Tough: 101 Differences in Thinking Between Fat People and Fit People. I have not read it yet, but I hear it’s a tough love approach to help people get rid of their BS excuse and take responsibility. This mental toughness trainer has a variety of topics that vary from how rich people think to cutting through delusional thinking when it comes to the obesity epidemic.
The magazine article was quite a reality check for me! Since I have been on both sides of the fence (fat and fit) I could relate to all of them. I was was once quite overweight and not happy with myself. I knew that if I did not do something I would quickly crossover into the obese category. With diabetes being prevalent in my family, I knew something had to change. I needed to change my fat thinking, habits and behaviors. It has been quite a process, but I was able to turn years of bodily abuse around in right around 90 days!
Fat Thinking vs. Fit Thinking: Food
I’ll share a few of the ways fat people think vs. fit people based on Steve’s research. with you today. I speak from experience here, start thinking Fit and you will BE FIT!
Fat people eat for pleasure.
Fit people eat for health.
This can be the difference between world-class health and an early grave. Change the reasons you eat can DRAMATICALLY impact your weight. Think of food as fuel. Food to give you energy. Food to sustain life. Food for health. No fat thinking here when you shirt that mindset! When cravings hit or you start thinking you want to eat, ask yourself “Am I really hungry? Or just bored?” “With this fuel my body? Or make me fat?”
Another finding in fat thinking is:
Fat people eat emotionally.
Fit people eat strategically.
This is so true. Stress impacts poor food choices. I found that when I had a plan and followed the nutrition guide in P90X, I got results and got rid of my fat thinking! Having a food plan is key. I love the Team Beachbody meal planner because it gives you an ideal meal plan for each day based on your height, weight, age and goals.
Fat Thinking vs. Fit Thinking: Exercise
Fat people believe they can always start over Monday.
Fit people know that Monday is never coming.
Fit people realize this is a trap where “I can eat the same as always and get different results.” Starting over every Monday is an endless loop that keeps people fat. You gotta break the cycle.
Fat people see exercise as a burden.
Fit people see exercise as a privilege.
Do you place value on exercise or see it as a chore? For fat people, they see exercise as a waste of time and energy because it takes so long to see results. Fit people know that exercise is one of the most important habits anyone can develop.
It’s mindsets like these where I see Beachbody creating all of those success stories. You see them on the infomercials with all of our fitness programs. You see them with people who use Shakeology. You see them after people finish Ultimate Reset.
I see them every day in our Facebook challenge groups. People show up, put on their fit mindset and check in for the day with posts like:
“I got my 10 minute Trainer cardio workout done! I had a Chocolate-Peanut Butter-Banana Shakeology. My motivational quote of the day is: “Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tired is the true failure.” George Woodberry.”
This is the power of changing out mindset and living fit!
Fat Thinking vs. Fit Thinking: Lifestyle
Here are few more mindset shifts from that article!! Can you relate to any of these?
Fat people allow failures of the past to hold them back.
Fit people use failure to move them forward.
Fat people are waiting to be rescued from obesity.
Fit people know no one is coming to the rescue.
Fat people make choices that keep them fat.
Fit people make choices that keep them fit.
Fat people expect to lose and gain weight forever.
Fit people expect to build the body of their dreams.
Fat Thinking vs. Fit Thinking: Share Your Thoughts
Please comment below and share your struggles, thought, ideas, and triumphs when it comes to fat thinking and fit thinking.
Fat Thinking vs. Fit Thinking: Get Coaching
Are you thinking you’d like your own mental toughness expert to help you break through your fat thinking?
I can help you there for free! I would be honored to use my experience to help you change your fat thinking into fit thinking.
Get your free account here and let’s start shifting your mindset to a healthy and fit one!
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