Power Blast 400 http://www.absaremade.com
I came upon an awesome quote: “In life, be like water. Water can carve its way even through stone, and when trapped, water makes a new path.” Now that is what persistence is all about. Water doesn’t cut through rock because of its power. It cuts through rock because it is persistent. This BENCHMARK EPISODE is all about being persistent to reach your goals.
Filmed at Marble Canyon in Kootenay National Park, BC, Canada
Check out the new P90 at http://FitnessJourneyBegins.com
Jeffrey Ragsdale
Awesome, Perry! My podcast is daily, and at the rate I’m going, I will make 400 by 2016. You, on the other hand, have eight years of podcasting behind you, and at the rate you are going, episode 400 is a great milestone: a measure of the heart and determination you have shown for nigh-on a decade. Thanks for all of us in your team, friend, for everything.
Perry Tinsley
@Jeffrey Ragsdale No doubt you will have way more before that!