When it comes to making a decision to lead a healthy lifestyle, getting support from family and friends can make all the difference. But what if you do not get that support?
Staring a healthy lifestyle is exciting. It is important to identify exactly what you want to exercise and eat right. Have that clearly written down and in your head. If it is to lose weight, be sure to write down your reasons why you want to lose it. For example, “I want to lose 50 pounds so that I can have more energy and feel more confident in my own skin. I want to be able to buy nice fitting clothing and just feel incredibly healthy and fit.”
This will be your guide and focus and mission no matter what. Now, when it comes to getting support. Just know that we cannot change another person – don’t force your ideas on another person. While you are excited to have a healthy lifestyle, others may not want to nor be ready for it. So, if you want others to accept your healthy lifestyle choices, you need to take a step back and accept their lifestyle choices, even though it may not align with yours. This is a two-way street.
Friends and Family Don’t Support My Lifestyle Changes
We’re human beings, and we often fear rejection and the loss of love. Change is often scary for people and the healthy lifestyle changes that you are making can have a dramatic impact on those around you positively or negatively. People may think, “Why are you doing this? Is there something going on? Is there something wrong?” This is a very real scenario that may pay out in their heads. They may feel they are losing you or that you will be judging them and forcing them to do things they are not ready to do.

People may try to sabotage your decision. They may tell you you can’t do it, or that you have failed many times before. They may tempt you with all sorts of unhealthy things just to prove their point. The thing you should do is step back and try to understand it from their point of view. This is where the lines of communication need to be open. You need to do this without judgement or being defensive. This is very hard to do, but quite necessary. It will be important to have a discussion about why having a healthy lifestyle is important to you and validate their worries and concerns. Assure them that nothing is wrong or going on. It’s just the fact that … and tell them your why. If your why is strong enough, nobody can take that from you.
So if you’re not getting the support that you need or being hassled or put down there may be a much bigger issue going on. There may be an emotional state in them and the only way to mask it it to do or say things to keep you from adopting your healthy lifestyle.
Hopefully, sharing your reasons why and keeping the lines of communication open and positive will set their minds at ease and actually lead to support. Especially when they see you get results and how it positively affect your relationships.
Now, if you find yourself not getting the support at all despite having communication with the people that are not giving you that support, then you will need to really dig deep into your why and the reasons you want to continue this healthy lifestyle. Is it to lose weight? Free yourself of joint pain? Get off of medications? Be more confident? Be a happier person? Obtain better health for yourself and be a fitter person? These are things you need to solidify and confirm in your mind over and over. So whenever you’re not getting support or somebody is putting you down, you really might need to go to that mindset of why you were doing this and what is it for? That’s the strongest motivation that you can have.
Motivation For A Healthy Lifestyle: Only You Can Motivate You!
Know your Why. That’s the best way to keep yourself motivated and to get through the struggles and keep your relationships healthy. Be able to verbalize it with confidence and certainty.
Keep the lines of communication open with your spouse significant other and the rest to your family. Let them know why you’re doing this why you want to do this. Tell them that you love them and it’s about you becoming a healthier happier fitter yourself so you can be a valuable part of the family and feel excellent about yourself.
Don’t make them feel like they have to do that with you and adopt your healthy lifestyle. As stated above, explain your reasoning and what results that you’re wanting to achieve and why. Ask for their help to keep you on track.
Sharing is another way to get support. Invite them to do a workout with you or part of a workout. Have them try a little bit a special healthy meal you made to realize healthy can taste good. Let them have a portion of your Shakeology or maybe even make them a special shake for their own. Family and friends can be a great support for your healthy lifestyle when they feel included and not forced into your decision.

Support groups online are also amazing for support. These are often private groups online with a common goal. I personally have been a part of 30, 60 and 90 day challenges where we challenge each other to get a workout in even when we have very little time. So we do groups that use programs like Focus T25 or 10 Minute Trainer. The results have been amazing because people get the support they need and accountability too! If you are looking to join one of our upcoming challenge groups, message me here!
There may also be Meetup groups in your area for support. These are groups that meet on a weekly basis to discuss their progress, roadblocks, and tips for success.
One powerful way to get support for your healthy lifestyle is to journal. Writing down your thoughts and progress on a weekly or daily basis. Tracking food on site like MyFitnessPal.com works well too. These tools will be a great way to show yourself how far you’ve come. It’s also great for going back to see what works and what doesn’t. You’ll be able to see an overall trend of progress. This is an incredible motivator.
Healthy Lifestyle Support
As you can see, getting support is something that can be achieved when you are clear on your goals and have a strong reason why. There are many avenues to get support whether it is having good, positive communication with your family and friends, joining an online or local challenge group, or documenting your journey through tracking and journaling. One last way to get support is connecting with a free online fitness coach like me. I have a passion for helping people get the support they need and I would be honored to help you. You can make me your coach for free through this link here. I look forward to serving and supporting you.
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