How To Achieve Goals
For some reason I get really excited at learning how to achieve goals. I have read many books and gone through many programs to put myself in position to accomplish many things I would have never thought possible. On of the best programs I went through was a free one! It has also been one that has made a big difference because it helped me in an area I typically struggle with. That’s mastering my organizational skills.
How To Achieve Goals With This 30 Day Push
Chalene Johnson’s 30 Day Challenge to master organization and how to achieve goals is an incredible program that will take your through a process of setting priorities, goal setting, organizing and the things in life that you may have struggled in the past. Chalene is a master at breaking things down into simple steps for you to learn how to acheive your goals. Each day of the challenge you get an email with a link to a video. By the end of the Challenge, you will have set up goals, determined your values and kept a carefully crafted and diligently mastered to-do list long enough for it to be a habit that you are never going to want to break.
Thirty days is a perfect amount of time to see real results! The videos and actions steps are not time consuming either. Most take 10 minutes or less. But it does take work. Isn’t that what you would expect when learning how to acheive your goals? You will be challenged and need to consider everything. Be prepared to make major changes to your life and to make things better.
You will not only figure out how to acheive your goals, but you will also learn how easy it is to live a successful life when you apply the techniques she takes you through! Seriously, in the span of only thirty days you will make measurable progress on goals that are meaningful and authentic. You will feel the peace of mind and excitement that comes from completing your daily tasks and living a successful life!
How To Achieve Goals: My Experience With This 30 Day Push
So, I gave it a try at the beginning of 2011. I got part way through and I got sidetracked. So, when I decided to get down and dirty serious about where I wanted to learn how to achieve goals. I never really thought of reverse engineering to reach my goals. Chalene Johnson’s 30 Day Challenge had me for the first time identifying what my priorities based on my values. That allowed me to then be sure that my goals aligned to my priorities. Eventually you identify your number one push goal that will make all (or most) of my other goals possible.
From there you’ll do several actions to start putting your life in order step by step. For me it was automating some of my day to day tasks and also getting a better system for creating and using a diligently maintained to-do list. I am still working on improving this skill, but have found myself accomplishing so much more. I currently have an iPhone app that is called AnyNote and it has helped me simplify the use of a to do list. With Chalene’s guidance, I now find them less intimidating and overwhelming.
So what have I been to accomplish since I learned how to achieve goals with a 30 Day Challenge? Well, I really wanted to mentor many of the Beachbody Coaches on my team and challenge them to a 6 week growth plan. I also attended a few conferences of a lifetime, which included Anthony Robbins’ Unleash the Power Within! I learned so much other skills I wanted to get better at such as SEO, using CRMs (customer relationship management), and also reached a pinnacle point in my business by being in the top 33 of our company by earning the title of Elite Coach. I also earned a free trip to Disney, a $500 bonus every single month in 2012
Fellow coach, Lindsay, recently posted the following on Facebook regarding this free training as she had stellar results from this free training.
I have a lot of coaches who write me asking my tips for succeeding in this business. If I could tell you ONE THING that made ALL the difference in my business, it was signing up for Chalene Johnson’s 30 Day Push program on GOAL SETTING & ORGANIZATION back in January 2011! During that month I went from NEW COACH to TOP 2 in all of Beachbody, winning myself a trip to CABO! I haven’t looked back since! She is starting it up ALL over again this January 1st! Do yourselves a favor and REGISTER NOW!!! (btw, this is NOT just for coaches, it can benefit ANYONE!) OH, any BTW, It’s FREE PEEPS!!!!
How To Achieve Goals: Join The Challenge
Here is how to achieve your goals with your own 30 Day Challenge!
You are about to discover a set of skills you can put into practice and easily start achieving your goals. You are going to master your organization and make a big impact in all areas of your life. This may be for the first time ever!
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