How To Be Healthy – You Can Do It In 3 Steps
Over the past 6 years I have given several presentations on how to be healthy. I love sharing the benefits and positive things that our products do for people. One of the slides that is in the “How to be Healthy” presentation is a harsh reality. One that is so puzzling. But it recently became clear to me as one of the reasons why it is so harsh.
In my “How to be Healthy” presentation there’s a slide from created by the Center for Disease Control about our nation’s obesity epidemic state by state since the mid 1980s. The slide show revealed that there was a there was a dramatic increase in obesity in the United States from 1990 through 2010.
Did we just decide to start eating? I mean, I know there was a little bit of a weight gain problem and about 15% of the nation was obese. But to skyrocket to 30% in 20 years? Double? That number is still climbing as it is estimated, as of the time of this writing, that 61 percent of the nation is either overweight or obese. Almost 60 million people either have diabetes or have pre-diabetes. Most of these people will develop diabetes within 10 years. Scary!
This is preventable. This isn’t something we have fallen “victim” to or is out of our control.
A very high percentage of people die from heart disease or stroke. Treatment and medical costs to treat people with diabetes is astronomical! $100 billion a year!
Poor nutrition leads to these conditions. From vitamin deficiency, arthritis and a whole list of other ailments come as a result.
How To Be Healthy: Those Forces That Work Against Us
We have 2 forces working against us to keep us fat and unhealthy. We have the food industry. Not that they are trying to make us sick intentionally. They just keep making food lacking in nutrients and containing fillers, sugars and unhealthy fats that expand our waistline. The bottom line must be to make money. Cheap food is, well, cheap! It’s cheap to make and people buy it, so it is profitable.
The other force is this thing called health care. You know the one that’s supposed to keep us healthy. In reality, it’s a money making business too. Would the medicine industry want you to be healthy? If you were, they’d make no money. I recently heard a call where the report said we spend about two trillion dollars on health care in this nation. I can’t even imagine that amount. Still, the number seems to expand as quickly as the nation’s waistline. Somehow with a number like this it is obvious that this is not helping people become healthy.
So how do we help people get healthier and stronger and reverse this trend. I want to believe that people know that this is within their control. And there is evidence that people are catching in. A group of people saying, “HELL NO!” People who are not going to give into laziness, sleepiness, diseases, health issues, and more.
People who have made this commitment no matter if they are obese, overweight or already healthy and fit are actually growing healthier, and fitter as they age. They are going outside of the medical industry (as well as junk food and fast food industries). People are joining gyms, working out from home with programs like P90X and Insanity, watching what they eat, taking the right vitamins and minerals, and supplements and also investigating world class health products like Shakeology and Ultimate Reset. All of these to support their wellness and invest in a healthy older version of themselves.
People don’t necessarily want to live to be older, they want to live to be better! To enjoy life. That’s what being healthy through smart eating and physical exercise does for a person. People want a quality life! So, while money does a nice job at helping people live a nice lifestyle, what is the point if you feel miserable?
So, I know this is more of a soapbox post, but truly it is time to take a stand for yourself. You need to learn and practice how to be healthy and start living the quality of life you deserve!
The easiest and most convenient way I know how to be healthy is to do one of the following. No matter where you are starting at, you can do this! It’s as easy as One, two, three. But it will take work. Being healthy means you cannot be lazy.
How To Be Healthy: 3 Steps
- Make the decision to become better, fitter, healthier.
- Sign up for a free consult to help you choose the best home exercise program and eating plan specifically tailored to your needs and goals.
- Get connected to one of our support-challenge-accountability groups that will ensure you get the results from your plan.
Following these three steps on how to be healthy will have you on your way with a plan on how to be healthy, fit, lean and give you the quality of life you deserve. You do want quality don’t you? SO, what are you waiting for? Get your free consult now!
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