Getting in exercise when working the night shift can certainly be a challenge. Working that graveyard shift can be brutal on energy, sleep habits, mindset, and eating!
When you work crazy unnatural hours, you probably head home after your shift, maybe relax for a bit, mindlessly gobble down some food and hit the bed.
When you wake up you feel groggy, out of it and lost, wondering how the whole day just flew by. It just feels off.
Figuring how and when to exercise and work non-traditional hours is not an easy task. It can be done, and it’s so beneficial, especially when you work crazy long hours overnight.
Here are some tips and tricks for finding what works for you.
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Alfsiegfred Razon
Thanks for the tip I’m a skinny dude want to work out to gain but my schedule is always graveyard shift. I wish i can gain some weight
Perry Tinsley
Grave yard is tough for sure. But doable! Let me know how those tips work for you?
james mckenna
I work day shift and nite shift 12 hours .. it’s always my 4 day week nite shift tht ruins my training been tryin for a year to get into a training program lol
Kenzea Masamayor
My problem is I get home after a 12 hour shift at 7:30am then need to take kids to school..home by 8:30-9am.. need to pick then up at 2:30pm then need to get ready for work again at 5pm
Perry Tinsley
Kenzea, those are long hours indeed! How many days a week do you do that? How long are your breaks during your shift?
Mohammed Ait Ali
Wanna ask you Sir. Iam doing night shift for over 4years now. I start from midnigh till 8am. I want to do some workout coz iam.not comfy with my body.
When iam in the midle of my shift I feel like I definitly have to exercise i feel i can do it and i have the energy so. But when i finish my shift I feel tired and have no mood for exercising.
Perry Tinsley
Is it possible to do your workout before your shift?
Mohammed Ait Ali
@Perry Tinsley i can do it but iam afraid of not being able to resiste tiredness in my shift!
Perry Tinsley
@Mohammed Ait Ali I hear ya! Is it something you can test out? Maybe do a short workout… 30 min or so to see how you feel during your shift? I know for me, I felt more energy thru my work day when I got my workout done first. So test it out at a level that you feel comfortable with. Better than avoiding it and frustrated after work.
If you must do it after work, I bet a good pre-workout energy drink similar to what I use, would be the boost you need to get it going! Just a couple of thoughts!
Mohammed Ait Ali
@Perry Tinsley i will do that and let you know the result.
I appreciate your help Sir
Thank you
Perry Tinsley
@Mohammed Ait Ali Good luck buddy! Let me know how it goes! You just might find your groove!
Nightmare 6-4
I work 6pm to 6am as a Security Officer and I try to go to the gym after work but I also got a lot of shit to take care of after work (cleaning Uniforms, making dinner for that night, etc.)
Perry Tinsley
That’s a great way to wind down! Do you exercise immediately after work? Or wind down a bit?
Perry Tinsley
Long hours for sure. Are you able to pick one day to meal prep for the week for a quick grab and go and do a short workout while laundry is being done?
somi somi
@Perry Tinsley I wind down first, rest my feet from wearing shoes. I usually do pilates on weekdays so I don’t tire myself too much and also to stretch my body from sitting down for an 8 hr shift. I reserve hiit and weights on fridays and weekends
Danny Perez
So the day before you work night shift, next day you wake up early do you start your eating ?
Perry Tinsley
That’s fantastic Ellen! Way to get after it!
Victor Andrews
So you workout b4 work ?? Does that really help ??
TexasFed TexasBred
I started to workout as soon as I get out of work, tired from work or not, the workout feels good, wakes me up, etc. My only problem is, I’ll get home, shower and eat, I’ll fall asleep almost immediately but I’ll wake up in an hour, then wake up every hour until I just can’t sleep anymore like 4 hours later. If it weren’t for waking up and not resting well, it would work great for me
Chase Potter
Why don’t you do all that shit when you wake up later that afternoon? I’m a security guard working that exact same shift. Go to the gym when you get off, eat, go to bed from like 8am to 2-3pm and then do your uniforms and make dinner.
Chase Potter
Throw your laundry in after work, go to the gym, then put it in the dryer when you get home and go to bed.
Perry Tinsley
You got this!
Perry Tinsley
You got this! Way to make it happen!
That’s a superhero schedule. Mad respect!
Francis Kenneth Magali
Will my muscle recover when i sleep morning? Becuase of my work
Francis Kenneth Magali
Sir can i ask a question? Thank you pls respond
Francis Kenneth Magali
@Perry Tinsley i mean will is still recover even if my sleep is morning?
Francis Kenneth Magali
@Perry Tinsley i sleep 6am-2pm is it okay?
Diego Reyes
Look into using indica dominant flower, carts, edibles, etc to help you fall asleep
Diego Reyes
Maybe melatonin as well if you’re able to take it before a certain hour, I’m not advising to constantly or regularly use melatonin or marijuana as a sleep aid but occasionally won’t hurt it’s all about self control
Keep working the graveyard shift, the weight will come lol
Adrian Popo
Skip to @3:10
Andrew Thomas
Started doing overnights last night and let me tell you..I’m a complete zombie idk if I can do this let alone workout too haha. But I will anyway. Shit
Perry Tinsley
Graveyard can be such a challenge for sure. Best to you buddy! You’ve got this!
Andrew Thomas
@Perry Tinsley thanks dude I appreciate that