If you struggle to make affirmations work for you, you’re not alone!
Every day you’ve got to guard your mind. Otherwise, the same old programming can keep us stuck in old patterns that keep us from achieving what we want.
I’ve learned that you’ve got to bring something new to it! Not just hoping things will go the way you want, but conditioning yourself to believe that they will.
Feed it positivity and kick negative thinking’s butt!
What empowering words do you use each day?Are you feeding your mind with positive things
In this episode, I share 5 steps to make affirmations work for you!
Use these Affirmations to create your own!
- I am a success. I can be, do and have everything I want.
- My capabilities and potential are unlimited.
- I have unlimited personal power and I always use it for the good of all.
- I can do anything I put my mind to.
- I am perfectly healthy, mentally and physically, and I do all things to properly maintain my health.
- I am healthy and strong, filled with energy and vitality.
- I love to exercise everyday.
- I eat only those foods that will fuel my body for optimal health and well being.
- I feel energized throughout the day.
- I have unlimited self confidence.
- I can be, do and have everything I want.
- I am enthusiastically achieving my goals.
- I have unlimited self-confidence.
- I move toward what I want, knowing that I will succeed.
- I have total confidence in my abilities.
The Wise Open Mind by Ronald Alexander Ph.D.
130 Positive Affirmations for Self-Belief and Confidence
Beachbody On Demand: http://www.bod365.net
Find Your Perfect Health & Fitness Plan: http://www.aging-fit.com
Lose Weight Happily with 2B Mindset: http://2bplan.com
Portion Control: http://bit.ly/ultimateportioncontrol
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How awesome are you for reading all the way to the bottom like this? You Rock!
A plus health life
This is exactly what I talk about in this video:
Very good explanation, thank you.
Perry Tinsley
Happy to help Marni!