Looking ahead to a year from now seems such a long way off.
Looking back on a the past year seems like it went by so fast.
So, can you use the latter to change your perspective and behavior?
Really, I kick myself every time I think of “I should have gotten into this a year ago.” Or, “I wish I would have invested in X when is was only…”
Well, what does it take to do something right now so that next time that situation comes around, you can respond and reflect with, “I’m so glad I decided to …” Well, you fill in the blank.
For me, it was investing in my future in many ways. Sometimes I kick myself in the butt for not taking action sooner, but I always acknowledge myself for taking action. Maybe you’ve been just as successful.
One thing I’m glad I did was take a chance on some fitness program called Power 90 off an infomercial and go through the workouts as designed. You’ve seen the results of that.
I’m also glad I made financial decisions to start retirement and investment programs in my 30s and continue to add as much as I painfully can. I wish I would have started sooner, but at least I did.
Then, I’m so happy I jumped right into the Beachbody Coaching business opportunity that anyone can do. It’s something that keeps me accountable to my fitness, but also has afforded me so many possibilities even just working an hour or two a day.
So, while I am still wishing I would have bought Apple and Google stock a year ago, I am happy that I took action on many opportunities when I did. Life changing opportunities!
SO, my question to you is: What things can you take action on today?
It’s time to take your foot off the brake and make things happen for you and your future. Whether it’s health, finances, friendships, relationships, whatever… You now have perspective on how fast time flies. Even though the future seems so far away, just know that taking action and staying true to yourself, will yield HUGE rewards in no time.
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