Have you been looking for that elusive six pack? Well, Insanity Abs is forever going to change your body and give you those killer abs. It did for me and many friends I know! You are going to get shredded even if you have a flabby midsection to start with. It really does work!

Insanity Abs Workout
Is this an insane and crazy ab workout? Yes, truthfully it is! Is it going to work to get you that six pack that you’ve always dreamed of? Yes, with the right amount of hard work it’s going to change this area of the body forever. Let’s break it down. There are a couple of great ab routines in Insanity. The main workout is called cardio abs. There are no crunches at all. You start with a series of standing, lunging and plyometric moves that have you firing up the abs while getting the heart rate up to burn some calories.
Then you really fire up the abdominals with some floor work. A good chunk of the moves are from a C-sit position. Then there is some plank works that target not only the bid section, but the obliques as well!
Let’s face it, there’s a reason that they call the entire series “Insanity” and so the Insanity Abs video series is really no different. It keeps in line with pushing you to the limits and ensuring that you get that beautiful transformation if you work for it. I think what I love best about Insanity Abs routine’s is that they really push you to your limits. I find it challenging to go through the whole workout without taking a break and a breather in between reps. It’s that good!
Yes it is a fast and furious workout as it promotes itself. They are telling you up front exactly what you are getting, so be ready for the challenge.

Killer Abs Are Yours For The Taking If You Work For Them
What you may normally take about 45 minutes to do at the gym you are packing into a condensed 15 minute exercise focused primarily on the abdominal area. Crazy? Yes! Effective? Without a doubt! Of course in order to really define the six pack you need to work the whole body, and that’s what the Insanity system does. It is an intense cardio intervals program that works the entire body, targeting muscles you never knew you had.
What I personally like about this home workout series and in particular, this insanity abs routine is that you are targeting the abs, but going at it from all different levels, angles, and approaches. So rather than just hitting the mat and crunching until you are blue in the face, you have to work for it in a variety of different ways.
It’s Not For Everybody
I’ve heard the criticism that this is a video that doesn’t necessarily target the abs, but that’s simply not true. These are usally statements made from people who are old school and just do crunches and lame sit up machines. What makes Insanity Abs so great is that it does go deep into the abdominal muscles, but it’s less traditional. So rather than just doing floor work you hit them from many different exercises.
Now, I know it’s tempting to want to just get this disc and do Insanity Abs as a separate routing. But you will want to do this workout in conjunction with the rest of the Insanity workouts. Even if you feel that the rest of your body is in good shape, you will find that other exercises can be core intensive. You also ensure that you don’t fall into the myth of simple spot training when you mix them all together.

This Targets and Works Well As Part of an Overall Regimen
Here’s the thing to remember with Insanity Abs or any other workout program—you need a good combination. So strength training and hard core ab workouts like this will help to change you.
I mention this as so many people assume that they can go from couch to killer abs by doing just one workout video. While this is a great ab workout undoubtedly, it should be part of a good mix of cardio and strength training.
That aside, you also need to remember that clean eating is a part of your best lifestyle. You aren’t going to do a thing in the way of transformation if you eat garbage. Garbage in equals garbage out, right?
If you eat good, clean, healthy, whole foods then you are filling your tank with what you need. You are at your prime and then when you take on a workout like this, you get results. Makes sense, doesn’t it? Great Insanity Abs are made in the kitchen.
So would I recommend Insanity Abs? Without a doubt, yes! I do however feel compelled to say that this should be part of a regular workout regimen. You will find that using the other Insanity videos in conjunction with this works tremendously well.
Shredded and Chiseled Abs Come From This and Clean Living
I find that using a home workout video series such as this works well for off season training as an idea. If you are sitting on the sidelines from a regular activity or even on more of a rest day, then this can be a nice supplement.
Don’t mistake that for me saying that this is easy because you are going to feel that sweet pain in your abs for days after doing it! Insanity is not the ideal beginner workout program, although I do know that the recent Beachbody Challenge winner, Andy Arreaga started Insanity at 450 pounds. I a little over a year he lost 220 pounds. Impressive or what?
I don’t care how in shape you are or how many hours you hit the gym each week, Insanity Abs is going to change you. This is the program that will get you lean and get you those shredded six pack abs that you’ve always wanted. And many gyms are starting to offer Insanity classes!
Didn’t think you could ever get that lean sculpted look? Think again because if you stick with workouts like this you are going to wow yourself when you look in the mirror.
You Need Insanity Abs
The Insanity fitness program pushes you in every possible way. So the Insanity Abs is a targeted approach that pushes your most prized area of your body in an innovative and effective way.
This video will show you that sometimes less is more. It may only be 15 minutes which contrasts to the rest of the series, but it’s powerful. You are definitely going to feel the effects of this!
If you keep with the Insanity Abs workout and use it as laid out in the Insanity total body cardio conditioning workout program, you WILL get results.
A little focus like the Insanity Abs workout can go a long way though!
Click This link to get INSANITY HERE. <–
You will be directed to a page of options including free gifts.
Click Now and be on your way to Insanity Abs!
Here’s To Your Health – It’s Never Too Late!
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Perry Tinsley
Skype: perrytinsley
Email: Perry@PutYourselfFirst.com
“I Help People Get Results With Their Health And Fitness Goals”
Image(s): FreeDigitalPhotos.net
PS: Check out these 5 Free Health & Fitness Videos To Get Your Health Back
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