An Introduction To Muscle Confusion
In the world of fitness, there are a number of terms that people do not understand. A great example is “muscle confusion”, which for someone interested in building lean muscle mass and toning should understand. With this knowledge, a person would be able to choose the best workout program for achieving a mean and lean body.
What is Muscle Confusion?
For starters, we want to provide a description of what muscle confusion is but also why this particular term has created a degree of controversy. The theory behind this term is that the process of building lean muscle, strengthening muscle, and reducing fat stops if an individual uses the same workout methods over and over again. Although this seems to make perfect sense and while there is some truth to the theory, muscle is actually very adaptive.
If someone prefers to follow the same workout routine whenever time is spent in the gym, muscle will respond. However, it is important to understand that at the same time, switching things up would produce different results because of the way muscle is being worked. In other words, if someone were interested in creating leaner muscle, a series of workout regimens could be followed day after day to achieve the goal. On the other hand, if someone wanted to build stronger muscle, then a different set of workout methods would need to be adopted.
Because of the way muscle adapts, goals will be achieved no matter the workout chosen but as far as muscle confusion, this is somewhat misleading. An individual would need to first determine the goal and then choose the method of working out specific to that goal. The thing to remember is that regardless of creating lean muscle, strengthening muscle, or reducing body fat, there are specific steps that would need to be taken to include the following:
Specific workout methods would need to be determined
The exercise regimen should be done between four and six times a week
Exercises should be highly resistant and high tension for at least 75% of the workout regimen
Low impact training should be incorporated in the regimen at least 25% of the session to prevent muscle fatigue
The bottom line is that the term “muscle confusion” is both true and false. For this, a person would need to avoid confusing muscle if there is one goal in mind but for someone who wants to build stronger muscle and reduce body fat, then several different workout methods would need to be used, thereby causing some level of muscle confusion.

Top Exercise Programs
No matter the goal, there are some excellent exercise programs that would help. Simply put, whether someone wants to achieve on goal and avoid muscle confusion or achieve multiple goals and promote muscle confusion, certain programs would be far more effective than others.
Two of the best programs were developed by Tony Horton. Both the P90X and the P90X2 are excellent. These programs are also intense, which is why they are typically chosen by people serious about health and fitness. To better understand how these Tony Horton programs promote muscle confusion, it would help to understand how they work.
Tony Horton has built a reputation for being a fitness expert that millions of people follow. When approached to design a fitness program specifically for people who are already in great shape, Horton gladly accepted the challenge. The result was the first of the two programs, the P90X. However, for this program to be the best possible, Horton worked alongside some of the country’s leading fitness experts. The outcome was the development of 12 workouts from which an individual can choose to do at home.
While Beachbody offers an array of health and fitness products, Tony Horton’s P90X and P90X2 remain top sellers. Again, these programs are designed for people who are in great shape but wanting to push things to another level. There are many success stories where people started with this program. While it is not for beginners, many have chosen this as their only option and modified the workouts until they were able to ramp up the intensity.

Muscle Confusion With P90X
This is the acronym for the program’s actual name, Power 90 Extreme. Designed for home use, this intense program takes 90 days for a person’s goal to be reached. Included in the program is cross-training, which consists of martial arts, calisthenics, weights, and yoga, coupled with periodization, supplements, and proper nutrition.

Muscle Confusion With P90X2
Just as with the P90X program, P90X2 is a 90-day workout regimen that is hard and intense. While the primary focuses are still on extreme power, balance, strength, and mobility, muscle confusion is taken to an entirely different realm.
SO, does muscle confusion work? I say for sure, Bring it! If you would like to experience muscle confusion without having to go to a gym just click here to start and do it in the comfort of your own home! P90x and P90X2 have changed so many lives.
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